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VylBot Core Documentation

Welcome to the VylBot Core documentation. In this file we will explain how to setup and use VylBot Core in your project.


  1. Initial Setup
  2. Configuring the client
  3. Creating a command
  4. Handling an event

1. Initial Setup

To setup the package, download it from npm

cd <project-folder>
npm install vylbot-core

Add to your .js file

const vylbot = require('vylbot-core');
const config = require('config.json');

const client = new vylbot.client(config);

2. Configuring the client

When creating a new vylbot.client object you need to pass through some json configuration. This can be either from a .json file or directly written.

Note: We recommend using a .json file and adding it to your .gitignore file to prevent accidentally publishing your bot token.

An example configuration:

    "token": "<YOUR-BOT-TOKEN>",
    "prefix": "!",
    "commands": [
    "events": [

Make sure the folders that you set for commands and events exist and are at your project's current working directory.

3. Creating a command

A basic command goes as follows:

// commands/test.js
const { command } = require('vylbot-core');

class test extends command {
    constructor() {
        super.description = "Test description";
        super.category = "general";
        super.requiredConfigs = "link";
        super.roles = "Moderator";
        super.roles = "Admin";
        super.users = "<ID-HERE>";

    test(context) {"Hello there, " +;

module.exports = test;
  1. You create a class and export it using module.exports and make it extend the vylbot's command class.
  2. In the constructor() you need to call super(run), replacing run with a string of the name of the method which will run when the command runs.
  3. Call any of the super variables to give it some description, the current ones you can use are: description, category, usage
  4. If you want the command to only be allowed to run by people with a role, set the role name in super.roles

Note: You can set more than one role to be required by setting super.roles again.

  1. If you want the command to only be ran by specific users, set their ID in super.users

Note: You can set more than one user to be required by settubg super.users again.

  1. If you want the command to require a variable in the config, set the name in super.requiredConfigs

Note: You can set more than one role to be required by setting super.requiredConfigs again.

  1. Create a method using the name you set in super(run), with the context as its parameter.

The context parameter will be a JSON object of:

    "command": "<Command Name>",
    "arguments": "<Command Arguments>",
    "client": "<Bot Client Object",
    "message": "Discord.js Message Object",
    "config": "The command's config (if any)"

The command's config will be stored under the command's name, for example, if a command called test has set super.requiredConfigs = "link", it will be set in the config as

4. Handling an event

A basic event handling goes as follows:

// events/message.js
const { event } = require('vylbot-core');

class message extends event {
    constructor() {

    message(message) {
        console.log("Message received: " + message.content);

module.exports = message;
  1. You create a class and export it using module.exports and make it extend the vylbot's event class.
  2. In the constructor() you need to call super(run), replacing run with a string of the name of the method which will run when the event gets triggered.
  3. Create a method using the name you set in super(run), with the parameters being as per your event's paramaters in the discord.js documentation.

Note: The name of the event file will determine what event it will be triggered on. For example, if you want to have an event trigger everytime a message is sent, put into your event folder a file called message.js and follow the steps above.