Split up moon counter from the database #489

Vylpes merged 20 commits from feature/300-moon-set into develop 2025-02-03 17:42:11 +00:00
4 changed files with 238 additions and 7 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 1f5965ae79 - Show all commits

View file

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
exports[`constructor EXPECT CommandBuilder to be defined correctly 1`] = `
"contexts": undefined,
"default_member_permissions": undefined,
"default_permission": undefined,
"description": "View and create moons",
"description_localizations": undefined,
"dm_permission": undefined,
"integration_types": undefined,
"name": "moons",
"name_localizations": undefined,
"nsfw": undefined,
"options": [
"description": "List moons you have obtained",
"description_localizations": undefined,
"name": "list",
"name_localizations": undefined,
"options": [
"description": "The user to view (Defaults to yourself)",
"description_localizations": undefined,
"name": "user",
"name_localizations": undefined,
"required": false,
"type": 6,
"autocomplete": undefined,
"choices": undefined,
"description": "The page to start with",
"description_localizations": undefined,
"max_value": undefined,
"min_value": undefined,
"name": "page",
"name_localizations": undefined,
"required": false,
"type": 10,
"type": 1,
"description": "Add a moon to your count!",
"description_localizations": undefined,
"name": "add",
"name_localizations": undefined,
"options": [
"autocomplete": undefined,
"choices": undefined,
"description": "What deserved a moon?",
"description_localizations": undefined,
"max_length": undefined,
"min_length": undefined,
"name": "description",
"name_localizations": undefined,
"required": true,
"type": 3,
"type": 1,
"type": 1,

View file

@ -1,17 +1,113 @@
import { ChatInputCommandInteraction, CommandInteraction } from "discord.js";
import Moons from "../../../src/commands/304276391837302787/moons";
import * as AddMoon from "../../../src/commands/304276391837302787/moons/add";
import * as ListMoons from "../../../src/commands/304276391837302787/moons/list";
beforeEach(() => {
describe("constructor", () => {
test.todo("EXPECT CommandBuilder to be defined correctly");
let moons: Moons;
beforeEach(() => {
moons = new Moons();
test("EXPECT CommandBuilder to be defined correctly", () => {
describe("execute", () => {
describe("GIVEN interaction is not a chat input command", () => {
test.todo("EXPECT nothing to happen");
const moons = new Moons();
let interaction: CommandInteraction;
let listMoonsSpy: jest.SpyInstance;
let addMoonSpy: jest.SpyInstance;
beforeEach(async () => {
listMoonsSpy = jest.spyOn(ListMoons, "default");
addMoonSpy = jest.spyOn(AddMoon, "default");
interaction = {
isChatInputCommand: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(false),
} as unknown as CommandInteraction;
await moons.execute(interaction);
test("EXPECT interaction.isChatInputCommand to have been called", () => {
test("EXPECT nothing to happen", () => {
describe("GIVEN interaction subcommand is list", () => {
test.todo("EXPECT ListMoons to be called");
const moons = new Moons();
let interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction;
let listMoonsSpy: jest.SpyInstance;
beforeEach(async () => {
listMoonsSpy = jest.spyOn(ListMoons, "default")
interaction = {
isChatInputCommand: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(true),
options: {
getSubcommand: jest.fn().mockReturnValue("list"),
} as unknown as ChatInputCommandInteraction;
await moons.execute(interaction);
test("EXPECT interaction.options.getSubcommand to have been called", () => {
test("EXPECT ListMoons to be called", () => {
describe("GIVEN interaction subcommand is add", () => {
test.todo("EXPECT AddMoon to be called");
const moons = new Moons();
let interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction;
let addMoonSpy: jest.SpyInstance;
beforeEach(async () => {
addMoonSpy = jest.spyOn(AddMoon, "default")
interaction = {
isChatInputCommand: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(true),
options: {
getSubcommand: jest.fn().mockReturnValue("add"),
} as unknown as ChatInputCommandInteraction;
await moons.execute(interaction);
test("EXPECT interaction.options.getSubcommand to have been called", () => {
test("EXPECT AddMoon to be called", () => {

View file

@ -1,11 +1,65 @@
import AppDataSource from "../../../src/database/dataSources/appDataSource";
import UserSetting from "../../../src/database/entities/UserSetting";
describe("constructor", () => {
test.todo("EXPECT settings to be configured");
let userSetting: UserSetting;
beforeEach(() => {
userSetting = new UserSetting("userId", "key", "value");
test("EXPECT settings to be configured", () => {
Id: expect.any(String),
WhenCreated: expect.any(Date),
WhenUpdated: expect.any(Date),
describe("UpdateValue", () => {
test.todo("EXPECT value to be updated");
let userSetting: UserSetting;
beforeEach(() => {
userSetting = new UserSetting("userId", "key", "value");
test("EXPECT value to be updated", () => {
describe("FetchOneByKey", () => {
test.todo("EXPECT single entity returned");
let result: UserSetting | null;
let userSetting: UserSetting;
let findOneMock: jest.Mock;
beforeEach(async () => {
userSetting = new UserSetting("userId", "key", "value");
findOneMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(userSetting);
AppDataSource.getRepository = jest.fn().mockReturnValue({
findOne: findOneMock,
result = await UserSetting.FetchOneByKey("userId", "key");
test("EXPECT getRepository to have been called", () => {
test("EXPECT repository.findOne to have been called", () => {
expect(findOneMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ where: { UserId: "userId", Key: "key" }, relations: {}});
test("EXPECT single entity returned", () => {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
exports[`constructor EXPECT settings to be configured 1`] = `
"Id": Any<String>,
"Key": "key",
"UserId": "userId",
"Value": "value",
"WhenCreated": Any<Date>,
"WhenUpdated": Any<Date>,