
85 lines
1.9 KiB

Since Version 2.2, Random Bunny contains a command line interface (CLI).
## Default Output
By default, the command will fetch a random image from `r/rabbits` and return it in a human-readable output.
$ randombunny
Archived = false
Downvotes = 0
Hidden = false
Permalink = /r/Rabbits/comments/1av1rg9/cute_baby_bun/
Subreddit = Rabbits
Subreddit Subscribers = 486084
Title = Cute baby bun
Upvotes = 211
Url = https://i.redd.it/sfz0srdrimjc1.png
## Help
The command also includes a help option in case you are stuck.
$ randombunny --help
# or
$ randombunny -h
Usage: random-bunny [options]
Get a random image url from a subreddit of your choosing
-V, --version output the version number
-s, --subreddit <subreddit> The subreddit to search (default: "rabbits")
-j, --json Output as JSON
-q, --query-metadata Include query metadata in result
--sort <sort> Sort by (choices: "hot", "new", "top", default: "hot")
-h, --help display help for command
✨ Done in 0.32s.
## JSON output
You can also convert the output into JSON, if you need to input it to another program.
$ randombunny --json
# or
$ randonbunny -j
{"Archived":false,"Downs":0,"Hidden":false,"Permalink":"/r/Rabbits/comments/1av1rg9/cute_baby_bun/","Subreddit":"Rabbits","SubredditSubscribers":486085,"Title":"Cute baby bun","Ups":210,"Url":"https://i.redd.it/sfz0srdrimjc1.png"}
## Sort
You can also choose the sorting option which reddit will use to return the available posts to randomise from.
This defaults to "hot". The valid options are "hot", "new", and "top".
$ randombunny --sort hot
$ randombunny --sort new
$ randomBunny --sort top
## Subreddit
You can change the subreddit which the command fetches from.
This defaults to "rabbits"
$ randombunny --subreddit rabbits
$ randombunny -s horses