Create list effects command #412

Vylpes merged 15 commits from feature/379-list-effects into develop 2024-12-07 22:32:20 +00:00
3 changed files with 80 additions and 0 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 6e6b2a0af6 - Show all commits

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
describe("execute", () => {
describe("GIVEN action in custom id is list", () => {
test.todo("EXPECT list function to be called");
describe("List", () => {
describe("GIVEN page is a valid number", () => {
test.todo("EXPECT EffectHelper.GenerateEffectEmbed to be called");
test.todo("EXPECT interaction to be updated");
describe("GIVEN page in custom id is not supplied", () => {
test.todo("EXPECT interaction to be replied with error");
test.todo("EXPECT interaction to not be updated");
describe("GIVEN page in custom id is not a number", () => {
test.todo("EXPECT interaction to be replied with error");
test.todo("EXPECT interaction to not be updated");

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
describe("constructor", () => {
test.todo("EXPECT CommandBuilder to be defined");
describe("execute", () => {
describe("GIVEN interaction is not a chat input command", () => {
test.todo("EXPECT nothing to happen");
describe("GIVEN subcommand is list", () => {
test.todo("EXPECT list function to be called");
describe("List", () => {
describe("GIVEN page option is supplied", () => {
describe("AND page is a valid number", () => {
test.todo("EXPECT EffectHelper.GenerateEffectEmbed to have been called with page");
test.todo("EXPECT interaction to have been replied");
describe("AND page is not a valid number", () => {
test.todo("EXPECT EffectHelper.GenerateEffectEmbed to have been called with page of 1");
describe("GIVEN page option is not supplied", () => {
test.todo("EXPECT EffectHelper.GenerateEffectEmbed to have been called with a page of 1");

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@ -279,3 +279,27 @@ describe("HasEffect", () => {
}); });
}); });
}); });
describe("GenerateEffectEmbed", () => {
test.todo("EXPECT UserEffect.FetchAllByUserIdPaginated to be called");
describe("GIVEN there are no effects returned", () => {
test.todo("EXPECT embed generated");
test.todo("EXPECT row generated");
describe("GIVEN there are effects returned", () => {
test.todo("EXPECT embed generated");
test.todo("EXPECT row generated");
describe("AND it is the first page", () => {
test.todo("EXPECT Previous button to be disabled");
describe("AND it is the last page", () => {
test.todo("EXPECT Next button to be disabled");