Update the give currency timer to give 10 coins every 20 minutes
Update currency timer to give 10 coins every 20 minutes
Fix crontab running every 30 seconds instead of every 30 minutes
Look into having the logger send warns/errors to a discord channel
Manga type cards are being claimed as a regular card
The bot should log a warning if an ID is used twice
Merge branch 'develop' into feature/202-daily-command
Update dependency @discordjs/rest to v2.3.0 (#232)
Update dependency @types/node to v20.12.12 (#231)
Create sacrifice command (#225)
Add cron job to add coins to a user every 30 minutes (#219)
deleted branch renovate/discordjs-rest-2.x-lockfile from External/card-drop
2024-05-20 18:24:49 +01:00
Update dependency @discordjs/rest to v2.3.0
deleted branch renovate/node-20.x-lockfile from External/card-drop
2024-05-20 18:21:34 +01:00
Update dependency @types/node to v20.12.12
AS a developer and tester, I want the /give command to also be able to give currency to a user
AS a user, I want my currency balance to be used when I claim a card
Sacrifice command should start at red for the sacrifice confirmation embed and change to green after
Timer should give 10 coins every 20 minutes