Update the User entity to be nullable
created branch feature/353-last-used-daily-null in External/card-drop
2024-09-27 17:28:31 +01:00
AS a moderator, I want to be able to manually set a user's moon count
Probably want to change how we handle moon count then
deleted branch renovate/eslint-8.x-lockfile from External/card-drop
2024-09-23 18:33:09 +01:00
Update dependency eslint to v8.57.1
[23] Undici's fetch with integrity option is too lax when algorithm is specified but hash value is in incorrect
[24] Uncontrolled resource consumption in braces
[26] ws affected by a DoS when handling a request with many HTTP headers
[21] Undici proxy-authorization header not cleared on cross-origin redirect in fetch
[22] Undici's Proxy-Authorization header not cleared on cross-origin redirect for dispatch, request, stream, pipeline