Update documentation

This commit is contained in:
Ethan Lane 2021-07-20 17:55:31 +01:00
parent e9112ee00e
commit a5123d6f79

View file

@ -6,39 +6,98 @@ Discord bot client based upon Discord.js
Download the latest version from the [releases page](https://gitlab.vylpes.com/Vylpes/vylbot-core/-/releases).
Copy the config template file and fill in the strings.
Copy the config template file and fill in the values.
"token": "",
"prefix": "",
"commands": [
"events": [
* **Token:** Your bot's token
* **Prefix** The command prefix
* **Commands:** An array of the folders which contain your commands
* **Events:** An array of the folders which contain your events
* **BOT_TOKEN:** Your bot's token, replace {TOKEN} with your bot token
* **BOT_PREFIX** The command prefix
* **FOLDERS_COMMANDS:** The folder which contains your commands
* **FOLDERS_EVENTS** The folder which contains your events
Make sure that you **DO NOT** put your .env file into VCS!
## Usage
Implement the client using something like:
const vylbot = require('vylbot-core');
const config = require('config.json');
// bot.ts
const client = new vylbot.client(config);
import { CoreClient } from "vylbot-core";
const client = new CoreClient();
See the [docs](https://gitlab.vylpes.com/Vylpes/vylbot-core/-/wikis/home) for more information on how to use vylbot-core
### Writing Commands
The code below will reply to the user with 'PONG' when they type {PREFIX}ping
// Ping.ts
import { Command, ICommandContext } from "vylbot-core";
export class Ping extends Command {
constructor() {
this._roles = [ "Moderator" ];
this._category = "General";
public override execute(context: ICommandContext) {
* **roles**: An array containing what roles the user needs in order to run the command.
* **category**: The category the role is part of, useful for categorising commands together in a help command.
The `context` parameter contains the following:
* **name**: The command name
* **args**: An array of arguments supplied with the command
* **message**: The Discord Message object for the command message sent
### Writing Events
The code below will log to the console 'Member Joined: {USERNAME}' when a member joins a server the bot is in
// Moderation.ts
import { Event } from "vylbot-core";
import { GuildMember } from "discord.js";
export class Moderation extends Event {
public override guildMemberAdd(member: GuildMember) {
console.log(`Member Joined: ${member.tag}`);
The following events are supported:
* channelCreate(channel: Channel)
* channelDelete(channel: Channel | PartialDMChannel)
* channelUpdate(oldChannel: Channel, newChannel: Channel)
* guildBanAdd(guild: Guild, user: User)
* guildBanRemove(guild: Guild, user: User)
* guildCreate(guild: Guild)
* guildMemberAdd(member: GuildMember)
* guildMemberRemove(member: GuildMember | PartialGuildMember)
* guildMemberUpdate(oldMember: GuildMember | PartialGuildMember, newMember: GuildMember)
* message(message: Message)
* messageDelete(message: Message | PartialMessage)
* messageUpdate(oldMessage: Message | PartialMessage, newMessage: Message | PartialMessage)
All parameters are supplied from discord.js
## Contributing