AS a user, I want to be able to toggle roles via a button on an embed #478

opened 2024-09-21 21:48:38 +01:00 by Vylpes · 0 comments

Story Points:

SO THAT I don't have to remember a list of names and type it in exactly, creating a more user friendly experience

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN I am a moderator
WHEN I run /roles embed
THEN an embed is generated with the roles I can assign myself from the config for this server

GIVEN I am a user without a role
WHEN I click on the button associated with this role
THEN I will be added to this role

GIVEN I am a user with a role
WHEN I click on the button associated with this role
THEN I will be removed from this role

GIVEN I am a moderator
WHEN I run /roles add <name> <role> [emoji] [style]
THEN I can associate an emoji and embed style to this role
AND these will be shown on the button on the generated embed


  • Remove old user /role command
  • Replace old moderator /roleconfig command with /role add and /role remove
  • Add optional emoji parameter to /role add command
  • Add optional style parameter to /role add command
  • Create /role embed command
  • Create role toggle button logic
  • Update tests


No notes

Epic: \ Story Points: --- SO THAT I don't have to remember a list of names and type it in exactly, creating a more user friendly experience ## Acceptance Criteria GIVEN I am a moderator WHEN I run `/roles embed` THEN an embed is generated with the roles I can assign myself from the config for this server GIVEN I am a user without a role WHEN I click on the button associated with this role THEN I will be added to this role GIVEN I am a user with a role WHEN I click on the button associated with this role THEN I will be removed from this role GIVEN I am a moderator WHEN I run `/roles add <name> <role> [emoji] [style]` THEN I can associate an emoji and embed style to this role AND these will be shown on the button on the generated embed ## Subtasks - [ ] Remove old user `/role` command - [ ] Replace old moderator `/roleconfig` command with `/role add` and `/role remove` - [ ] Add optional `emoji` parameter to `/role add` command - [ ] Add optional `style` parameter to `/role add` command - [ ] Create `/role embed` command - [ ] Create role toggle button logic - [ ] Update tests ## Notes *No notes*
Vylpes added the
needs criteria
needs estimate
labels 2024-09-21 21:48:45 +01:00
Vylpes added the
needs testing
label 2024-10-27 17:21:50 +00:00
Vylpes changed title from Ability to toggle roles via a button to AS a user, I want to be able to toggle roles via a button on an embed 2025-02-23 14:46:17 +00:00
Vylpes removed the
needs criteria
label 2025-02-23 14:51:14 +00:00
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Reference: RabbitLabs/vylbot-app#478
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