2022-04-24 14:46:37 +01:00
import { TextChannel } from "discord.js" ;
import { ICommandContext } from "../../contracts/ICommandContext" ;
import { Command } from "../../type/command" ;
import { default as eLobby } from "../../entity/501231711271780357/Lobby" ;
import SettingsHelper from "../../helpers/SettingsHelper" ;
import PublicEmbed from "../../helpers/embeds/PublicEmbed" ;
import { readFileSync } from "fs" ;
import ErrorEmbed from "../../helpers/embeds/ErrorEmbed" ;
import BaseEntity from "../../contracts/BaseEntity" ;
export default class Lobby extends Command {
constructor ( ) {
super ( ) ;
super . Category = "General" ;
public override async execute ( context : ICommandContext ) {
if ( ! context . message . guild ) return ;
switch ( context . args [ 0 ] ) {
case "config" :
await this . UseConfig ( context ) ;
break ;
default :
await this . UseDefault ( context ) ;
// =======
// Default
// =======
private async UseDefault ( context : ICommandContext ) {
const channel = context . message . channel as TextChannel ;
const channelId = channel . id ;
const lobby = await eLobby . FetchOneByChannelId ( channelId ) ;
if ( ! lobby ) {
this . SendDisabled ( context ) ;
return ;
const timeNow = Date . now ( ) ;
const timeLength = lobby . Cooldown * 60 * 1000 ; // x minutes in ms
const timeAgo = timeNow - timeLength ;
// If it was less than x minutes ago
if ( lobby . LastUsed . getTime ( ) > timeAgo ) {
this . SendOnCooldown ( context , timeLength , new Date ( timeNow ) , lobby . LastUsed ) ;
return ;
await this . RequestLobby ( context , lobby ) ;
private async RequestLobby ( context : ICommandContext , lobby : eLobby ) {
lobby . MarkAsUsed ( ) ;
await lobby . Save ( eLobby , lobby ) ;
context . message . channel . send ( ` ${ context . message . author } would like to organise a lobby of ** ${ lobby . Name } **! <@& ${ lobby . RoleId } > ` ) ;
private SendOnCooldown ( context : ICommandContext , timeLength : number , timeNow : Date , timeUsed : Date ) {
const timeLeft = Math . ceil ( ( timeLength - ( timeNow . getTime ( ) - timeUsed . getTime ( ) ) ) / 1000 / 60 ) ;
context . message . reply ( ` Requesting a lobby for this game is on cooldown! Please try again in ** ${ timeLeft } minutes**. ` ) ;
private SendDisabled ( context : ICommandContext ) {
context . message . reply ( "This channel hasn't been setup for lobbies." ) ;
// ======
// Config
// ======
private async UseConfig ( context : ICommandContext ) {
const moderatorRole = await SettingsHelper . GetSetting ( "role.moderator" , context . message . guild ! . id ) ;
if ( ! context . message . member ? . roles . cache . find ( x = > x . name == moderatorRole ) ) {
const errorEmbed = new ErrorEmbed ( context , "Sorry, you must be a moderator to be able to configure this command" ) ;
errorEmbed . SendToCurrentChannel ( ) ;
return ;
switch ( context . args [ 1 ] ) {
case "add" :
await this . AddLobbyConfig ( context ) ;
break ;
case "remove" :
await this . RemoveLobbyConfig ( context ) ;
break ;
case "help" :
default :
this . SendConfigHelp ( context ) ;
private SendConfigHelp ( context : ICommandContext ) {
const helpText = readFileSync ( ` ${ process . cwd ( ) } /data/usage/lobby.txt ` ) . toString ( ) ;
const embed = new PublicEmbed ( context , "Configure Lobby Command" , helpText ) ;
embed . SendToCurrentChannel ( ) ;
private async AddLobbyConfig ( context : ICommandContext ) {
const channel = context . message . guild ! . channels . cache . find ( x = > x . id == context . args [ 2 ] ) ;
const role = context . message . guild ! . roles . cache . find ( x = > x . id == context . args [ 3 ] ) ;
const cooldown = Number ( context . args [ 4 ] ) || 30 ;
const gameName = context . args . splice ( 5 ) . join ( " " ) ;
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if ( ! channel ) {
const errorEmbed = new ErrorEmbed ( context , "The channel id you provided is invalid or channel does not exist." ) ;
errorEmbed . SendToCurrentChannel ( ) ;
return ;
if ( ! role ) {
const errorEmbed = new ErrorEmbed ( context , "The role id you provided is invalid or role does not exist." ) ;
errorEmbed . SendToCurrentChannel ( ) ;
return ;
const lobby = await eLobby . FetchOneByChannelId ( channel . id ) ;
if ( lobby ) {
const errorEmbed = new ErrorEmbed ( context , "This channel has already been setup." ) ;
errorEmbed . SendToCurrentChannel ( ) ;
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return ;
const entity = new eLobby ( channel . id , role . id , cooldown , gameName ) ;
await entity . Save ( eLobby , entity ) ;
const embed = new PublicEmbed ( context , "" , ` Added \` ${ channel . name } \` as a new lobby channel with a cooldown of \` ${ cooldown } minutes \` and will ping \` ${ role . name } \` on use ` ) ;
embed . SendToCurrentChannel ( ) ;
private async RemoveLobbyConfig ( context : ICommandContext ) {
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const entity = await eLobby . FetchOneByChannelId ( context . args [ 2 ] ) ;
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if ( ! entity ) {
const errorEmbed = new ErrorEmbed ( context , "The channel id you provided has not been setup as a lobby, unable to remove." ) ;
errorEmbed . SendToCurrentChannel ( ) ;
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return ;
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await BaseEntity . Remove < eLobby > ( eLobby , entity ) ;
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const embed = new PublicEmbed ( context , "" , ` Removed <# ${ context . args [ 2 ] } > from the list of lobby channels ` ) ;
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embed . SendToCurrentChannel ( ) ;