Create use effect command #419

Vylpes merged 26 commits from feature/380-use-effect into develop 2025-01-25 17:29:01 +00:00
4 changed files with 354 additions and 130 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 3d665aba67 - Show all commits

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export default class Effects extends ButtonEvent {
await List(interaction);
case "use":
await Use(interaction);
await Use.Execute(interaction);

View file

@ -5,126 +5,128 @@ import EmbedColours from "../../constants/EmbedColours";
import TimeLengthInput from "../../helpers/TimeLengthInput";
import AppLogger from "../../client/appLogger";
export default async function Use(interaction: ButtonInteraction) {
const subaction = interaction.customId.split(" ")[2];
export default class Use {
public static async Execute(interaction: ButtonInteraction) {
const subaction = interaction.customId.split(" ")[2];
switch (subaction) {
case "confirm":
await UseConfirm(interaction);
case "cancel":
await UseCancel(interaction);
switch (subaction) {
case "confirm":
await this.UseConfirm(interaction);
case "cancel":
await this.UseCancel(interaction);
private static async UseConfirm(interaction: ButtonInteraction) {
const id = interaction.customId.split(" ")[3];
const effectDetail = EffectDetails.get(id);
if (!effectDetail) {
AppLogger.LogError("Button/Effects/Use", `Effect not found, ${id}`);
await interaction.reply("Effect not found in system!");
const now = new Date();
const whenExpires = new Date(now.getTime() + effectDetail.duration);
const result = await EffectHelper.UseEffect(, id, whenExpires);
if (!result) {
await interaction.reply("Unable to use effect! Please make sure you have it in your inventory and is not on cooldown");
const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setTitle("Effect Used")
.setDescription("You now have an active effect!")
name: "Effect",
value: effectDetail.friendlyName,
inline: true,
name: "Expires",
value: `<t:${Math.round(whenExpires.getTime() / 1000)}:f>`,
inline: true,
const row = new ActionRowBuilder<ButtonBuilder>()
new ButtonBuilder()
.setCustomId(`effects use confirm ${}`)
new ButtonBuilder()
.setCustomId(`effects use cancel ${}`)
await interaction.update({
embeds: [ embed ],
components: [ row ],
private static async UseCancel(interaction: ButtonInteraction) {
const id = interaction.customId.split(" ")[3];
const effectDetail = EffectDetails.get(id);
if (!effectDetail) {
AppLogger.LogError("Button/Effects/Cancel", `Effect not found, ${id}`);
await interaction.reply("Effect not found in system!");
const timeLengthInput = TimeLengthInput.ConvertFromMilliseconds(effectDetail.duration);
const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setTitle("Effect Use Cancelled")
.setDescription("The effect from your inventory has not been used")
name: "Effect",
value: effectDetail.friendlyName,
inline: true,
name: "Expires",
value: timeLengthInput.GetLengthShort(),
inline: true,
const row = new ActionRowBuilder<ButtonBuilder>()
new ButtonBuilder()
.setCustomId(`effects use confirm ${}`)
new ButtonBuilder()
.setCustomId(`effects use cancel ${}`)
await interaction.update({
embeds: [ embed ],
components: [ row ],
export async function UseConfirm(interaction: ButtonInteraction) {
const id = interaction.customId.split(" ")[3];
const effectDetail = EffectDetails.get(id);
if (!effectDetail) {
AppLogger.LogError("Button/Effects/Use", `Effect not found, ${id}`);
await interaction.reply("Effect not found in system!");
const now = new Date();
const whenExpires = new Date(now.getTime() + effectDetail.duration);
const result = await EffectHelper.UseEffect(, id, whenExpires);
if (!result) {
await interaction.reply("Unable to use effect! Please make sure you have it in your inventory and is not on cooldown");
const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setTitle("Effect Used")
.setDescription("You now have an active effect!")
name: "Effect",
value: effectDetail.friendlyName,
inline: true,
name: "Expires",
value: `<t:${Math.round(whenExpires.getTime() / 1000)}:f>`,
inline: true,
const row = new ActionRowBuilder<ButtonBuilder>()
new ButtonBuilder()
.setCustomId(`effects use confirm ${}`)
new ButtonBuilder()
.setCustomId(`effects use cancel ${}`)
await interaction.update({
embeds: [ embed ],
components: [ row ],
export async function UseCancel(interaction: ButtonInteraction) {
const id = interaction.customId.split(" ")[3];
const effectDetail = EffectDetails.get(id);
if (!effectDetail) {
AppLogger.LogError("Button/Effects/Cancel", `Effect not found, ${id}`);
await interaction.reply("Effect not found in system!");
const timeLengthInput = TimeLengthInput.ConvertFromMilliseconds(effectDetail.duration);
const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setTitle("Effect Use Cancelled")
.setDescription("The effect from your inventory has not been used")
name: "Effect",
value: effectDetail.friendlyName,
inline: true,
name: "Expires",
value: timeLengthInput.GetLengthShort(),
inline: true,
const row = new ActionRowBuilder<ButtonBuilder>()
new ButtonBuilder()
.setCustomId(`effects use confirm ${}`)
new ButtonBuilder()
.setCustomId(`effects use cancel ${}`)
await interaction.update({
embeds: [ embed ],
components: [ row ],

View file

@ -1,21 +1,148 @@
describe("Use", () => {
test.todo("GIVEN subaction is confirm, EXPECT UseConfirm to be called");
import { ButtonInteraction, EmbedBuilder, InteractionResponse } from "discord.js";
import Use from "../../../src/buttonEvents/Effects/Use";
import { mock } from "jest-mock-extended";
import AppLogger from "../../../src/client/appLogger";
import EffectHelper from "../../../src/helpers/EffectHelper";
test.todo("GIVEN subaction is cancel, EXPECT UseCancel to be called");
test.todo("GIVEN subaction is unknown, EXPECT nothing to be called");
beforeEach(() => {
afterAll(() => {
describe("Execute", () => {
test("GIVEN subaction is unknown, EXPECT nothing to be called", async () => {
// Arrange
const interaction = mock<ButtonInteraction>();
interaction.customId = "effects use invalud";
// Act
await Use.Execute(interaction);
// Assert
describe("UseConfirm", () => {
test.todo("GIVEN effectDetail is not found, EXPECT error");
let interaction = mock<ButtonInteraction>();
test.todo("GIVEN EffectHelper.UseEffect failed, EXPECT error");
beforeEach(() => {
interaction = mock<ButtonInteraction>();
interaction.customId = "effects use confirm";
test.todo("GIVEN EffectHelper.UseEffect succeeded, EXPECT interaction updated");
test("GIVEN effectDetail is not found, EXPECT error", async () => {
// Arrange
interaction.customId += " invalid";
// Act
await Use.Execute(interaction);
// Assert
expect(AppLogger.LogError).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Button/Effects/Use", "Effect not found, invalid");
expect(interaction.reply).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Effect not found in system!");
test("GIVEN EffectHelper.UseEffect failed, EXPECT error", async () => {
// Arrange
interaction.customId += " unclaimed"; = "userId";
(EffectHelper.UseEffect as jest.Mock).mockResolvedValue(false);
const whenExpires = new Date( + 10 * 60 * 1000);
// Act
await Use.Execute(interaction);
// Assert
expect(EffectHelper.UseEffect).toHaveBeenCalledWith("userId", "unclaimed", whenExpires);
expect(interaction.reply).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Unable to use effect! Please make sure you have it in your inventory and is not on cooldown");
test("GIVEN EffectHelper.UseEffect succeeded, EXPECT interaction updated", async () => {
let updatedWith;
// Arrange
interaction.customId += " unclaimed"; = "userId";
interaction.update.mockImplementation(async (opts: any) => {
updatedWith = opts;
return mock<InteractionResponse<boolean>>();
(EffectHelper.UseEffect as jest.Mock).mockResolvedValue(true);
const whenExpires = new Date( + 10 * 60 * 1000);
// Act
await Use.Execute(interaction);
// Assert
expect(EffectHelper.UseEffect).toHaveBeenCalledWith("userId", "unclaimed", whenExpires);
describe("UseCancel", () => {
test.todo("GIVEN effectDetail is not found, EXPECT error");
let interaction = mock<ButtonInteraction>();
test.todo("GIVEN effectDetail is found, EXPECT interaction updated");
beforeEach(() => {
interaction = mock<ButtonInteraction>();
interaction.customId = "effects use cancel";
test("GIVEN effectDetail is not found, EXPECT error", async () => {
// Arrange
interaction.customId += " invalid";
// Act
await Use.Execute(interaction);
// Assert
expect(AppLogger.LogError).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Button/Effects/Cancel", "Effect not found, invalid");
expect(interaction.reply).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Effect not found in system!");
test("GIVEN effectDetail is found, EXPECT interaction updated", async () => {
let updatedWith;
// Arrange
interaction.customId += " unclaimed"; = "userId";
interaction.update.mockImplementation(async (opts: any) => {
updatedWith = opts;
return mock<InteractionResponse<boolean>>();
// Act
await Use.Execute(interaction);
// Assert

View file

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`UseCancel GIVEN effectDetail is found, EXPECT interaction updated 1`] = `
"components": [
"components": [
"custom_id": "effects use confirm unclaimed",
"disabled": true,
"emoji": undefined,
"label": "Confirm",
"style": 1,
"type": 2,
"custom_id": "effects use cancel unclaimed",
"disabled": true,
"emoji": undefined,
"label": "Cancel",
"style": 4,
"type": 2,
"type": 1,
"embeds": [
"color": 13882323,
"description": "The effect from your inventory has not been used",
"fields": [
"inline": true,
"name": "Effect",
"value": "Unclaimed Chance Up",
"inline": true,
"name": "Expires",
"value": "10m",
"title": "Effect Use Cancelled",
exports[`UseConfirm GIVEN EffectHelper.UseEffect succeeded, EXPECT interaction updated 1`] = `
"components": [
"components": [
"custom_id": "effects use confirm unclaimed",
"disabled": true,
"emoji": undefined,
"label": "Confirm",
"style": 1,
"type": 2,
"custom_id": "effects use cancel unclaimed",
"disabled": true,
"emoji": undefined,
"label": "Cancel",
"style": 4,
"type": 2,
"type": 1,
"embeds": [
"color": 2263842,
"description": "You now have an active effect!",
"fields": [
"inline": true,
"name": "Effect",
"value": "Unclaimed Chance Up",
"inline": true,
"name": "Expires",
"value": "<t:600:f>",
"title": "Effect Used",