2024-05-17 21:02:52 +01:00
import { ActionRowBuilder, ButtonBuilder, ButtonInteraction, ButtonStyle, EmbedBuilder } from "discord.js";
import { ButtonEvent } from "../type/buttonEvent";
import Inventory from "../database/entities/app/Inventory";
import CardDropHelperMetadata from "../helpers/CardDropHelperMetadata";
import { CardRarityToString, GetSacrificeAmount } from "../constants/CardRarity";
import EmbedColours from "../constants/EmbedColours";
import User from "../database/entities/app/User";
export default class Sacrifice extends ButtonEvent {
public override async execute(interaction: ButtonInteraction) {
const subcommand = interaction.customId.split(" ")[1];
switch(subcommand) {
case "confirm":
await this.confirm(interaction);
case "cancel":
await this.cancel(interaction);
private async confirm(interaction: ButtonInteraction) {
const userId = interaction.customId.split(" ")[2];
const cardNumber = interaction.customId.split(" ")[3];
2024-05-24 17:45:57 +01:00
if (userId != interaction.user.id) {
await interaction.reply("Only the user who created this sacrifice can confirm it.");
2024-05-17 21:02:52 +01:00
const cardInInventory = await Inventory.FetchOneByCardNumberAndUserId(userId, cardNumber);
if (!cardInInventory) {
await interaction.reply("Unable to find card in inventory.");
const cardData = CardDropHelperMetadata.GetCardByCardNumber(cardNumber);
if (!cardData) {
await interaction.reply("Unable to find card in the database.");
const user = await User.FetchOneById(User, userId);
if (!user) {
await interaction.reply("Unable to find user in database.");
await cardInInventory.Save(Inventory, cardInInventory);
const cardValue = GetSacrificeAmount(cardData.card.type);
const cardRarityString = CardRarityToString(cardData.card.type);
await user.Save(User, user);
const description = [
`Card: ${cardData.card.name}`,
`Series: ${cardData.series.name}`,
`Rarity: ${cardRarityString}`,
`Quantity Owned: ${cardInInventory.Quantity}`,
`Sacrifice Amount: ${cardValue}`,
const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setTitle("Card Sacrificed")
2024-05-24 17:45:57 +01:00
.setFooter({ text: `${interaction.user.username}` });
2024-05-17 21:02:52 +01:00
const row = new ActionRowBuilder<ButtonBuilder>()
new ButtonBuilder()
.setCustomId(`sacrifice confirm ${interaction.user.id} ${cardNumber}`)
new ButtonBuilder()
.setCustomId("sacrifice cancel")
await interaction.update({
embeds: [ embed ],
components: [ row ],
private async cancel(interaction: ButtonInteraction) {
const userId = interaction.customId.split(" ")[2];
const cardNumber = interaction.customId.split(" ")[3];
2024-05-24 17:45:57 +01:00
if (userId != interaction.user.id) {
await interaction.reply("Only the user who created this sacrifice can cancel it.");
2024-05-17 21:02:52 +01:00
const cardInInventory = await Inventory.FetchOneByCardNumberAndUserId(userId, cardNumber);
if (!cardInInventory) {
await interaction.reply("Unable to find card in inventory.");
const cardData = CardDropHelperMetadata.GetCardByCardNumber(cardNumber);
if (!cardData) {
await interaction.reply("Unable to find card in the database.");
const cardValue = GetSacrificeAmount(cardData.card.type);
const cardRarityString = CardRarityToString(cardData.card.type);
const description = [
`Card: ${cardData.card.name}`,
`Series: ${cardData.series.name}`,
`Rarity: ${cardRarityString}`,
`Quantity Owned: ${cardInInventory.Quantity}`,
`Sacrifice Amount: ${cardValue}`,
const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setTitle("Sacrifice Cancelled")
2024-05-24 17:45:57 +01:00
.setFooter({ text: `${interaction.user.username}` });
2024-05-17 21:02:52 +01:00
const row = new ActionRowBuilder<ButtonBuilder>()
new ButtonBuilder()
.setCustomId(`sacrifice confirm ${interaction.user.id} ${cardNumber}`)
new ButtonBuilder()
.setCustomId("sacrifice cancel")
await interaction.update({
embeds: [ embed ],
components: [ row ],