import { Util } from "../../src/client/util"; import { Client, Guild, Message, Role, SnowflakeUtil, TextChannel, User } from "discord.js"; import fs from "fs"; jest.mock("fs"); beforeEach(() => { fs.existsSync = jest.fn(); }); describe('LoadCommand', () => { test('Given Successful Exection, Expect Successful Result', async () => { process.env = { BOT_TOKEN: 'TOKEN', BOT_PREFIX: '!', FOLDERS_COMMANDS: 'commands', FOLDERS_EVENTS: 'events', } process.cwd = jest.fn().mockReturnValue("../../tests/__mocks"); fs.existsSync = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(true); const message = { member: { roles: { cache: { find: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(true), } }, }, reply: jest.fn(), } as unknown as Message; const util = new Util(); const result = await util.loadCommand("normal", [ "first" ], message); expect(result.valid).toBeTruthy(); }); test('Given Member Is Null, Expect Failed Result', async () => { process.env = { BOT_TOKEN: 'TOKEN', BOT_PREFIX: '!', FOLDERS_COMMANDS: 'commands', FOLDERS_EVENTS: 'events', } process.cwd = jest.fn().mockReturnValue("../../tests/__mocks"); fs.existsSync = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(true); const message = { member: null } as unknown as Message; const util = new Util(); const result = await util.loadCommand("normal", [ "first" ], message); expect(result.valid).toBeFalsy(); expect(result.message).toBe("Member is not part of message"); }); test('Given Folder Does Not Exist, Expect Failed Result', async () => { process.env = { BOT_TOKEN: 'TOKEN', BOT_PREFIX: '!', FOLDERS_COMMANDS: 'commands', FOLDERS_EVENTS: 'events', } process.cwd = jest.fn().mockReturnValue("../../tests/__mocks"); fs.existsSync = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(false); const message = { member: { roles: { cache: { find: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(true), } }, }, reply: jest.fn(), } as unknown as Message; const util = new Util(); const result = await util.loadCommand("normal", [ "first" ], message); expect(result.valid).toBeFalsy(); expect(result.message).toBe("Command folder does not exist"); }); test('Given File Does Not Exist, Expect Failed Result', async () => { process.env = { BOT_TOKEN: 'TOKEN', BOT_PREFIX: '!', FOLDERS_COMMANDS: 'commands', FOLDERS_EVENTS: 'events', } process.cwd = jest.fn().mockReturnValue("../../tests/__mocks"); fs.existsSync = jest.fn().mockReturnValueOnce(true) .mockReturnValue(false); const message = { member: { roles: { cache: { find: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(true), } }, }, reply: jest.fn(), } as unknown as Message; const util = new Util(); const result = await util.loadCommand("normal", [ "first" ], message); expect(result.valid).toBeFalsy(); expect(result.message).toBe("File does not exist"); }); test('Given User Does Have Role, Expect Successful Result', async () => { process.env = { BOT_TOKEN: 'TOKEN', BOT_PREFIX: '!', FOLDERS_COMMANDS: 'commands', FOLDERS_EVENTS: 'events', } process.cwd = jest.fn().mockReturnValue("../../tests/__mocks"); fs.existsSync = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(true); const message = { member: { roles: { cache: { find: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(true), } }, }, reply: jest.fn(), } as unknown as Message; const util = new Util(); const result = await util.loadCommand("roles", [ "first" ], message); expect(result.valid).toBeTruthy(); }); test('Given User Does Not Have Role, Expect Failed Result', async () => { process.env = { BOT_TOKEN: 'TOKEN', BOT_PREFIX: '!', FOLDERS_COMMANDS: 'commands', FOLDERS_EVENTS: 'events', } process.cwd = jest.fn().mockReturnValue("../../tests/__mocks"); fs.existsSync = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(true); const message = { member: { roles: { cache: { find: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(false), } }, }, reply: jest.fn(), } as unknown as Message; const util = new Util(); const result = await util.loadCommand("roles", [ "first" ], message); expect(result.valid).toBeFalsy(); expect(result.message).toBe("You require the `Moderator` role to run this command"); }); test('Given Command Category Is Null, Expect Successful Result', async () => { process.env = { BOT_TOKEN: 'TOKEN', BOT_PREFIX: '!', FOLDERS_COMMANDS: 'commands', FOLDERS_EVENTS: 'events', } process.cwd = jest.fn().mockReturnValue("../../tests/__mocks"); fs.existsSync = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(true); const message = { member: { roles: { cache: { find: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(true), } }, }, reply: jest.fn(), } as unknown as Message; const util = new Util(); const result = await util.loadCommand("noCategory", [ "first" ], message); expect(result.valid).toBeTruthy(); }); test('Given command is set to disabled, Expect command to not fire', async () => { process.env = { BOT_TOKEN: 'TOKEN', BOT_PREFIX: '!', FOLDERS_COMMANDS: 'commands', FOLDERS_EVENTS: 'events', COMMANDS_DISABLED: 'normal', COMMANDS_DISABLED_MESSAGE: 'disabled', } process.cwd = jest.fn().mockReturnValue("../../tests/__mocks"); fs.existsSync = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(true); const message = { member: { roles: { cache: { find: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(true), } }, }, reply: jest.fn(), } as unknown as Message; const messageReply = jest.spyOn(message, 'reply'); const util = new Util(); const result = await util.loadCommand("normal", [ "first" ], message); expect(result.valid).toBeFalsy(); expect(result.message).toBe("Command is disabled"); expect(messageReply).toBeCalledWith("disabled"); }); test('Given command COMMANDS_DISABLED_MESSAGE is empty, Expect default message sent', async () => { process.env = { BOT_TOKEN: 'TOKEN', BOT_PREFIX: '!', FOLDERS_COMMANDS: 'commands', FOLDERS_EVENTS: 'events', COMMANDS_DISABLED: 'normal', } process.cwd = jest.fn().mockReturnValue("../../tests/__mocks"); fs.existsSync = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(true); const message = { member: { roles: { cache: { find: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(true), } }, }, reply: jest.fn(), } as unknown as Message; const messageReply = jest.spyOn(message, 'reply'); const util = new Util(); const result = await util.loadCommand("normal", [ "first" ], message); expect(result.valid).toBeFalsy(); expect(result.message).toBe("Command is disabled"); expect(messageReply).toBeCalledWith("This command is disabled."); }); test('Given a different command is disabled, Expect command to still fire', async () => { process.env = { BOT_TOKEN: 'TOKEN', BOT_PREFIX: '!', FOLDERS_COMMANDS: 'commands', FOLDERS_EVENTS: 'events', COMMANDS_DISABLED: 'anything', } process.cwd = jest.fn().mockReturnValue("../../tests/__mocks"); fs.existsSync = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(true); const message = { member: { roles: { cache: { find: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(true), } }, }, reply: jest.fn(), } as unknown as Message; const util = new Util(); const result = await util.loadCommand("normal", [ "first" ], message); expect(result.valid).toBeTruthy(); }); test('Given a different command is disabled with this one, Expect command to not fire', async () => { process.env = { BOT_TOKEN: 'TOKEN', BOT_PREFIX: '!', FOLDERS_COMMANDS: 'commands', FOLDERS_EVENTS: 'events', COMMANDS_DISABLED: 'normal,anything,', } process.cwd = jest.fn().mockReturnValue("../../tests/__mocks"); fs.existsSync = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(true); const message = { member: { roles: { cache: { find: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(true), } }, }, reply: jest.fn(), } as unknown as Message; const util = new Util(); const result = await util.loadCommand("normal", [ "first" ], message); expect(result.valid).toBeFalsy(); expect(result.message).toBe("Command is disabled"); }); }); describe('LoadEvents', () => { test('Given Events Are Loaded, Expect Successful Result', () => { process.env = { BOT_TOKEN: 'TOKEN', BOT_PREFIX: '!', FOLDERS_COMMANDS: 'commands', FOLDERS_EVENTS: 'events', } process.cwd = jest.fn().mockReturnValue("../../tests/__mocks"); fs.existsSync = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(true); fs.readdirSync = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(["normal.ts"]); const client = { on: jest.fn(), } as unknown as Client; const util = new Util(); const result = util.loadEvents(client); const clientOn = jest.spyOn(client, 'on'); expect(result.valid).toBeTruthy(); expect(clientOn).toBeCalledTimes(13); }); test('Given No Events Found, Expect Successful Result', () => { process.env = { BOT_TOKEN: 'TOKEN', BOT_PREFIX: '!', FOLDERS_COMMANDS: 'commands', FOLDERS_EVENTS: 'events', } process.cwd = jest.fn().mockReturnValue("../../tests/__mocks"); fs.existsSync = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(true); fs.readdirSync = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(["normal"]); const client = { on: jest.fn(), } as unknown as Client; const util = new Util(); const result = util.loadEvents(client); const clientOn = jest.spyOn(client, 'on'); expect(result.valid).toBeTruthy(); expect(clientOn).toBeCalledTimes(0); }); test('Given Event Folder Does Not Exist, Expect Failed Result', () => { process.env = { BOT_TOKEN: 'TOKEN', BOT_PREFIX: '!', FOLDERS_COMMANDS: 'commands', FOLDERS_EVENTS: 'events', } process.cwd = jest.fn().mockReturnValue("../../tests/__mocks"); fs.existsSync = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(false); fs.readdirSync = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(["normal.ts"]); const client = { on: jest.fn(), } as unknown as Client; const util = new Util(); const result = util.loadEvents(client); expect(result.valid).toBeFalsy(); expect(result.message).toBe("Event folder does not exist"); }); });