import { CommandInteraction, PermissionsBitField, SlashCommandBuilder, TextChannel } from "discord.js"; import { Command } from "../type/command"; export default class Clear extends Command { constructor() { super(); super.CommandBuilder = new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName("clear") .setDescription("Clears the channel of messages") .setDefaultMemberPermissions(PermissionsBitField.Flags.ManageMessages) .addNumberOption(option => option .setName('count') .setDescription('The amount to delete') .setRequired(true) .setMinValue(1) .setMaxValue(100)); } public override async execute(interaction: CommandInteraction) { if (!interaction.isChatInputCommand()) return; if (! return; const totalToClear = interaction.options.getNumber('count'); if (!totalToClear || totalToClear <= 0 || totalToClear > 100) { await interaction.reply('Please specify an amount between 1 and 100.'); return; } const channel = as TextChannel; if (!channel.manageable) { await interaction.reply('Insufficient permissions. Please contact a moderator.'); return; } await channel.bulkDelete(totalToClear); await interaction.reply(`${totalToClear} message(s) were removed.`); } }