import Help, { ICommandData } from "../../src/commands/help"; import { Message } from "discord.js"; import { ICommandContext } from "../../src/contracts/ICommandContext"; const oldCwd = process.cwd(); describe('Constructor', () => { test('Expect properties to be set', () => { const help = new Help(); expect(help._category).toBe('General'); }); }); describe('Execute', () => { test('Given no arguments were given, expect SendAll to be executed', () => { const message = {} as unknown as Message; const context: ICommandContext = { name: 'help', args: [], message: message }; const help = new Help(); help.SendAll = jest.fn(); help.SendSingle = jest.fn(); help.execute(context); expect(help.SendAll).toBeCalled(); expect(help.SendSingle).not.toBeCalled(); }); test('Given an argument was given, expect SendSingle to be executed', () => { const message = {} as unknown as Message; const context: ICommandContext = { name: 'help', args: ['about'], message: message }; const help = new Help(); help.SendAll = jest.fn(); help.SendSingle = jest.fn(); help.execute(context); expect(help.SendAll).not.toBeCalled(); expect(help.SendSingle).toBeCalled(); }); }); describe('SendAll', () => { test('Expect embed with all commands to be sent', () => { const messageChannelSend = jest.fn(); const message = { channel: { send: messageChannelSend } } as unknown as Message; const context: ICommandContext = { name: 'help', args: [], message: message }; const help = new Help(); const commandData0: ICommandData = { Exists: true, Name: 'about', Category: 'general', Roles: [] }; const commandData1: ICommandData = { Exists: true, Name: 'role', Category: 'general', Roles: [] }; help.GetAllCommandData = jest.fn() .mockReturnValue([commandData0, commandData1]); const result = help.SendAll(context); expect(help.GetAllCommandData).toBeCalled(); expect(messageChannelSend).toBeCalled(); expect(result.embeds.length).toBe(1); // PublicEmbed const publicEmbed = result.embeds[0]; expect(publicEmbed.fields.length).toBe(1); // PublicEmbed -> GeneralCategory Field const publicEmbedFieldGeneral = publicEmbed.fields[0]; expect('General'); expect(publicEmbedFieldGeneral.value).toBe('about, role'); }); }); describe('SendSingle', () => { test('Given command exists, expect embed to be sent with command fields', () => { const messageChannelSend = jest.fn(); const message = { channel: { send: messageChannelSend } } as unknown as Message; const context: ICommandContext = { name: 'help', args: ['about'], message: message }; const commandData: ICommandData = { Exists: true, Name: 'about', Category: 'general', Roles: ['role1', 'role2'] }; const help = new Help(); help.GetCommandData = jest.fn() .mockReturnValue(commandData); const result = help.SendSingle(context); expect(help.GetCommandData).toBeCalledWith('about'); expect(messageChannelSend).toBeCalled(); expect(result.embeds.length).toBe(1); // PublicEmbed const publicEmbed = result.embeds[0]; expect(publicEmbed.title).toBe('About'); expect(publicEmbed.description).toBe(''); expect(publicEmbed.fields.length).toBe(2); // PublicEmbed -> Category Field const fieldCategory = publicEmbed.fields[0]; expect('Category'); expect(fieldCategory.value).toBe('General'); // PublicEmbed -> RequiredRoles Field const fieldRoles = publicEmbed.fields[1]; expect('Required Roles'); expect(fieldRoles.value).toBe('Role1, Role2'); }); test('Given command does not exist, expect error embed to be sent', () => { const messageChannelSend = jest.fn(); const message = { channel: { send: messageChannelSend } } as unknown as Message; const context: ICommandContext = { name: 'help', args: ['about'], message: message }; const commandData: ICommandData = { Exists: false }; const help = new Help(); help.GetCommandData = jest.fn() .mockReturnValue(commandData); const result = help.SendSingle(context); expect(help.GetCommandData).toBeCalledWith('about'); expect(messageChannelSend).toBeCalled(); expect(result.embeds.length).toBe(1); // ErrorEmbed const errorEmbed = result.embeds[0]; expect(errorEmbed.description).toBe('Command does not exist'); }); }); describe('GetAllCommandData', () => { test('Expect array of command data to be returned', () => { process.env = { FOLDERS_COMMANDS: "commands" }; process.cwd = jest.fn() .mockReturnValue(`${oldCwd}/tests/_mocks`); const help = new Help(); const result = help.GetAllCommandData(); expect(result.length).toBe(1); // Mock Command const mockCommand = result[0]; expect(mockCommand.Exists).toBeTruthy(); expect(mockCommand.Name).toBe("mockCmd"); expect(mockCommand.Category).toBe("General"); expect(mockCommand.Roles!.length).toBe(1); expect(mockCommand.Roles![0]).toBe("Moderator"); }); }); describe('GetCommandData', () => { test('Given command exists, expect data to be returned', () => { process.env = { FOLDERS_COMMANDS: "commands" }; process.cwd = jest.fn() .mockReturnValue(`${oldCwd}/tests/_mocks`); const help = new Help(); const result = help.GetCommandData('mockCmd'); expect(result.Exists).toBeTruthy(); expect(result.Name).toBe("mockCmd"); expect(result.Category).toBe("General"); expect(result.Roles!.length).toBe(1); expect(result.Roles![0]).toBe("Moderator"); }); test('Given command does not exist, expect exists false to be returned', () => { process.env = { FOLDERS_COMMANDS: "commands" }; const oldCwd = process.cwd(); process.cwd = jest.fn() .mockReturnValue(`${oldCwd}/tests/_mocks`); const help = new Help(); const result = help.GetCommandData('none'); expect(result.Exists).toBeFalsy(); }); });