beforeEach(() => { process.env = {}; }); describe('Constructor', () => { test.todo('EXPECT properties are set'); }); describe('Execute', () => { test.todo("GIVEN interaction is not a chat input command, EXPECT nothing to happen"); test.todo("GIVEN an invalid subcommand is given, EXPECT not found error"); }); describe("toggle", () => { test.todo("GIVEN user has the role, EXPECT role to be removed"); test.todo("GIVEN user does not have the role, EXPECT role to be added") test.todo("GIVEN interaction.guild is null, EXPECT nothing to happen"); test.todo("GIVEN interaction.member is null, EXPECT nothing to happen"); test.todo("GIVEN requestedRole is null, EXPECT invalid error"); test.todo("GIVEN requestedRole.role is undefined, EXPECT invalid error"); test.todo("GIVEN role is not assignable, EXPECT unassignable error"); test.todo("GIVEN assignRole is not foundm, EXPECT nothing to happen"); test.todo("GIVEN assignRole is not editable, EXPECT insufficient permissions error"); }); describe("list", () => { test.todo("EXPECT role list to be sent"); });