import { Collection, Message, MessageAttachment, TextChannel } from "discord.js"; import MessageEvents from "../../src/events/MessageEvents"; beforeEach(() => { process.env = {}; }); describe('MessageDelete', () => { test('Given message was in a guild AND user was NOT a bot, expect message deleted embed to be sent', () => { process.env = { CHANNELS_LOGS_MOD: 'mod-logs' } const channelSend = jest.fn(); const textChannel = { name: 'mod-logs', send: channelSend } as unknown as TextChannel; const memberGuildChannelsCacheFind = jest.fn() .mockReturnValue(textChannel); const messageAuthorDisplayAvatarURL = jest.fn(); const messageAttachments = new Collection([ [ "0", { url: 'image0.png' } as unknown as MessageAttachment ], [ "1", { url: 'image1.png' } as unknown as MessageAttachment ] ]); const message = { guild: { channels: { cache: { find: memberGuildChannelsCacheFind } } }, author: { bot: false, displayAvatarURL: messageAuthorDisplayAvatarURL, tag: 'USERTAG' }, channel: {}, content: 'Message Content', attachments: messageAttachments } as unknown as Message; const messageEvents = new MessageEvents(); const result = messageEvents.messageDelete(message); expect(channelSend).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(memberGuildChannelsCacheFind).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(messageAuthorDisplayAvatarURL).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(result.embeds.length).toBe(1); // Embed const embed = result.embeds[0]; expect(embed.title).toBe('Message Deleted'); expect(embed.fields.length).toBe(4); // Embed -> User Field const embedFieldUser = embed.fields[0]; expect('User'); expect(embedFieldUser.value).toBe('[object Object] `USERTAG`'); // Embed -> Channel Field const embedFieldChannel = embed.fields[1]; expect('Channel'); expect(embedFieldChannel.value).toBe('[object Object]'); // Embed -> Content Field const embedFieldContent = embed.fields[2]; expect('Content'); expect(embedFieldContent.value).toBe('```Message Content```'); // Embed -> Attachments Field const embedFieldAttachments = embed.fields[3]; expect('Attachments'); expect(embedFieldAttachments.value).toBe('```image0.png\nimage1.png```'); }); test('Given message was not sent in a guild, expect execution stopped', () => { process.env = { CHANNELS_LOGS_MOD: 'mod-logs' } const channelSend = jest.fn(); const textChannel = { name: 'mod-logs', send: channelSend } as unknown as TextChannel; const memberGuildChannelsCacheFind = jest.fn() .mockReturnValue(textChannel); const messageAuthorDisplayAvatarURL = jest.fn(); const messageAttachments = new Collection([ [ "0", { url: 'image0.png' } as unknown as MessageAttachment ], [ "1", { url: 'image1.png' } as unknown as MessageAttachment ] ]); const message = { author: { bot: false, displayAvatarURL: messageAuthorDisplayAvatarURL, tag: 'USERTAG' }, channel: {}, content: 'Message Content', attachments: messageAttachments } as unknown as Message; const messageEvents = new MessageEvents(); const result = messageEvents.messageDelete(message); expect(channelSend).not.toBeCalled(); expect(memberGuildChannelsCacheFind).not.toBeCalled(); expect(messageAuthorDisplayAvatarURL).not.toBeCalled(); expect(result.embeds.length).toBe(0); }); test('Given author is a bot, expect execution stopped', () => { process.env = { CHANNELS_LOGS_MOD: 'mod-logs' } const channelSend = jest.fn(); const textChannel = { name: 'mod-logs', send: channelSend } as unknown as TextChannel; const memberGuildChannelsCacheFind = jest.fn() .mockReturnValue(textChannel); const messageAuthorDisplayAvatarURL = jest.fn(); const messageAttachments = new Collection([ [ "0", { url: 'image0.png' } as unknown as MessageAttachment ], [ "1", { url: 'image1.png' } as unknown as MessageAttachment ] ]); const message = { guild: { channels: { cache: { find: memberGuildChannelsCacheFind } } }, author: { bot: true, displayAvatarURL: messageAuthorDisplayAvatarURL, tag: 'USERTAG' }, channel: {}, content: 'Message Content', attachments: messageAttachments } as unknown as Message; const messageEvents = new MessageEvents(); const result = messageEvents.messageDelete(message); expect(channelSend).not.toBeCalled(); expect(memberGuildChannelsCacheFind).not.toBeCalled(); expect(messageAuthorDisplayAvatarURL).not.toBeCalled(); expect(result.embeds.length).toBe(0); }); test('Given message does not contain any attachments, expect attachments field to be omitted', () => { process.env = { CHANNELS_LOGS_MOD: 'mod-logs' } const channelSend = jest.fn(); const textChannel = { name: 'mod-logs', send: channelSend } as unknown as TextChannel; const memberGuildChannelsCacheFind = jest.fn() .mockReturnValue(textChannel); const messageAuthorDisplayAvatarURL = jest.fn(); const messageAttachments = new Collection([]); const message = { guild: { channels: { cache: { find: memberGuildChannelsCacheFind } } }, author: { bot: false, displayAvatarURL: messageAuthorDisplayAvatarURL, tag: 'USERTAG' }, channel: {}, content: 'Message Content', attachments: messageAttachments } as unknown as Message; const messageEvents = new MessageEvents(); const result = messageEvents.messageDelete(message); expect(channelSend).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(memberGuildChannelsCacheFind).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(messageAuthorDisplayAvatarURL).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(result.embeds.length).toBe(1); // Embed const embed = result.embeds[0]; expect(embed.title).toBe('Message Deleted'); expect(embed.fields.length).toBe(3); // Embed -> User Field const embedFieldUser = embed.fields[0]; expect('User'); expect(embedFieldUser.value).toBe('[object Object] `USERTAG`'); // Embed -> Channel Field const embedFieldChannel = embed.fields[1]; expect('Channel'); expect(embedFieldChannel.value).toBe('[object Object]'); // Embed -> Content Field const embedFieldContent = embed.fields[2]; expect('Content'); expect(embedFieldContent.value).toBe('```Message Content```'); }); }); describe('MessageUpdate', () => { test('Given message is in a guild AND user is not a bot AND the content has actually changed, e xpect log embed to be sent', () => { process.env = { CHANNELS_LOGS_MOD: 'mod-logs' } const channelSend = jest.fn(); const textChannel = { name: 'mod-logs', send: channelSend } as unknown as TextChannel; const memberGuildChannelsCacheFind = jest.fn() .mockReturnValue(textChannel); const messageAuthorDisplayAvatarURL = jest.fn(); const oldMessage = { content: 'Old Message' } as unknown as Message; const newMessage = { guild: { channels: { cache: { find: memberGuildChannelsCacheFind } } }, author: { bot: false, displayAvatarURL: messageAuthorDisplayAvatarURL, tag: 'USERTAG' }, content: 'New Message', channel: {}, } as unknown as Message; const messageEvents = new MessageEvents(); const result = messageEvents.messageUpdate(oldMessage, newMessage); expect(channelSend).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(memberGuildChannelsCacheFind).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(messageAuthorDisplayAvatarURL).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(result.embeds.length).toBe(1); // Embed const embed = result.embeds[0]; expect(embed.title).toBe('Message Edited'); expect(embed.fields.length).toBe(4); // Embed -> User Field const embedFieldUser = embed.fields[0]; expect('User'); expect(embedFieldUser.value).toBe('[object Object] `USERTAG`'); expect(embedFieldUser.inline).toBeTruthy(); // Embed -> Channel Field const embedFieldChannel = embed.fields[1]; expect('Channel'); expect(embedFieldChannel.value).toBe('[object Object]'); expect(embedFieldChannel.inline).toBeTruthy(); // Embed -> Before Field const embedFieldBefore = embed.fields[2]; expect('Before'); expect(embedFieldBefore.value).toBe('```Old Message```'); // Embed -> After Field const embedFieldAfter = embed.fields[3]; expect('After'); expect(embedFieldAfter.value).toBe('```New Message```'); }); test('Given message was not in a guild, expect execution stopped', () => { process.env = { CHANNELS_LOGS_MOD: 'mod-logs' } const channelSend = jest.fn(); const textChannel = { name: 'mod-logs', send: channelSend } as unknown as TextChannel; const memberGuildChannelsCacheFind = jest.fn() .mockReturnValue(textChannel); const messageAuthorDisplayAvatarURL = jest.fn(); const oldMessage = { content: 'Old Message' } as unknown as Message; const newMessage = { author: { bot: false, displayAvatarURL: messageAuthorDisplayAvatarURL, tag: 'USERTAG' }, content: 'New Message', channel: {}, } as unknown as Message; const messageEvents = new MessageEvents(); const result = messageEvents.messageUpdate(oldMessage, newMessage); expect(channelSend).not.toBeCalled(); expect(memberGuildChannelsCacheFind).not.toBeCalled(); expect(messageAuthorDisplayAvatarURL).not.toBeCalled(); expect(result.embeds.length).toBe(0); }); test('Given author is a bot, expect execution stopped', () => { process.env = { CHANNELS_LOGS_MOD: 'mod-logs' } const channelSend = jest.fn(); const textChannel = { name: 'mod-logs', send: channelSend } as unknown as TextChannel; const memberGuildChannelsCacheFind = jest.fn() .mockReturnValue(textChannel); const messageAuthorDisplayAvatarURL = jest.fn(); const oldMessage = { content: 'Old Message' } as unknown as Message; const newMessage = { guild: { channels: { cache: { find: memberGuildChannelsCacheFind } } }, author: { bot: true, displayAvatarURL: messageAuthorDisplayAvatarURL, tag: 'USERTAG' }, content: 'New Message', channel: {}, } as unknown as Message; const messageEvents = new MessageEvents(); const result = messageEvents.messageUpdate(oldMessage, newMessage); expect(channelSend).not.toBeCalled(); expect(memberGuildChannelsCacheFind).not.toBeCalled(); expect(messageAuthorDisplayAvatarURL).not.toBeCalled(); expect(result.embeds.length).toBe(0); }); test('Given the message contents are the same, expect execution stopped', () => { process.env = { CHANNELS_LOGS_MOD: 'mod-logs' } const channelSend = jest.fn(); const textChannel = { name: 'mod-logs', send: channelSend } as unknown as TextChannel; const memberGuildChannelsCacheFind = jest.fn() .mockReturnValue(textChannel); const messageAuthorDisplayAvatarURL = jest.fn(); const oldMessage = { content: 'Message' } as unknown as Message; const newMessage = { guild: { channels: { cache: { find: memberGuildChannelsCacheFind } } }, author: { bot: false, displayAvatarURL: messageAuthorDisplayAvatarURL, tag: 'USERTAG' }, content: 'Message', channel: {}, } as unknown as Message; const messageEvents = new MessageEvents(); const result = messageEvents.messageUpdate(oldMessage, newMessage); expect(channelSend).not.toBeCalled(); expect(memberGuildChannelsCacheFind).not.toBeCalled(); expect(messageAuthorDisplayAvatarURL).not.toBeCalled(); expect(result.embeds.length).toBe(0); }); test('Given Old Message did not have a content, expect field to account for this', () => { process.env = { CHANNELS_LOGS_MOD: 'mod-logs' } const channelSend = jest.fn(); const textChannel = { name: 'mod-logs', send: channelSend } as unknown as TextChannel; const memberGuildChannelsCacheFind = jest.fn() .mockReturnValue(textChannel); const messageAuthorDisplayAvatarURL = jest.fn(); const oldMessage = {} as unknown as Message; const newMessage = { guild: { channels: { cache: { find: memberGuildChannelsCacheFind } } }, author: { bot: false, displayAvatarURL: messageAuthorDisplayAvatarURL, tag: 'USERTAG' }, content: 'New Message', channel: {}, } as unknown as Message; const messageEvents = new MessageEvents(); const result = messageEvents.messageUpdate(oldMessage, newMessage); expect(channelSend).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(memberGuildChannelsCacheFind).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(messageAuthorDisplayAvatarURL).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(result.embeds.length).toBe(1); // Embed const embed = result.embeds[0]; expect(embed.title).toBe('Message Edited'); expect(embed.fields.length).toBe(4); // Embed -> User Field const embedFieldUser = embed.fields[0]; expect('User'); expect(embedFieldUser.value).toBe('[object Object] `USERTAG`'); expect(embedFieldUser.inline).toBeTruthy(); // Embed -> Channel Field const embedFieldChannel = embed.fields[1]; expect('Channel'); expect(embedFieldChannel.value).toBe('[object Object]'); expect(embedFieldChannel.inline).toBeTruthy(); // Embed -> Before Field const embedFieldBefore = embed.fields[2]; expect('Before'); expect(embedFieldBefore.value).toBe('```*none*```'); // Embed -> After Field const embedFieldAfter = embed.fields[3]; expect('After'); expect(embedFieldAfter.value).toBe('```New Message```'); }); test('Given New Message does not have a content, expect field to account for this', () => { process.env = { CHANNELS_LOGS_MOD: 'mod-logs' } const channelSend = jest.fn(); const textChannel = { name: 'mod-logs', send: channelSend } as unknown as TextChannel; const memberGuildChannelsCacheFind = jest.fn() .mockReturnValue(textChannel); const messageAuthorDisplayAvatarURL = jest.fn(); const oldMessage = { content: 'Old Message' } as unknown as Message; const newMessage = { guild: { channels: { cache: { find: memberGuildChannelsCacheFind } } }, author: { bot: false, displayAvatarURL: messageAuthorDisplayAvatarURL, tag: 'USERTAG' }, channel: {}, } as unknown as Message; const messageEvents = new MessageEvents(); const result = messageEvents.messageUpdate(oldMessage, newMessage); expect(channelSend).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(memberGuildChannelsCacheFind).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(messageAuthorDisplayAvatarURL).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(result.embeds.length).toBe(1); // Embed const embed = result.embeds[0]; expect(embed.title).toBe('Message Edited'); expect(embed.fields.length).toBe(4); // Embed -> User Field const embedFieldUser = embed.fields[0]; expect('User'); expect(embedFieldUser.value).toBe('[object Object] `USERTAG`'); expect(embedFieldUser.inline).toBeTruthy(); // Embed -> Channel Field const embedFieldChannel = embed.fields[1]; expect('Channel'); expect(embedFieldChannel.value).toBe('[object Object]'); expect(embedFieldChannel.inline).toBeTruthy(); // Embed -> Before Field const embedFieldBefore = embed.fields[2]; expect('Before'); expect(embedFieldBefore.value).toBe('```Old Message```'); // Embed -> After Field const embedFieldAfter = embed.fields[3]; expect('After'); expect(embedFieldAfter.value).toBe('```*none*```'); }); });