import { mock } from "jest-mock-extended"; const connectionMock = mock(); const qbuilderMock = mock>(); let repositoryMock = mock>(); let settingMock = mock(); jest.mock('typeorm', () => { qbuilderMock.where.mockReturnThis();; repositoryMock.createQueryBuilder.mockReturnValue(qbuilderMock); repositoryMock.findOne.mockImplementation(async () => { return settingMock; }); connectionMock.getRepository.mockReturnValue(repositoryMock); return { getConnection: () => connectionMock, createConnection: () => connectionMock, BaseEntity: class Mock {}, ObjectType: () => {}, Entity: () => {}, InputType: () => {}, Index: () => {}, PrimaryColumn: () => {}, Column: () => {}, CreateDateColumn: () => {}, UpdateDateColumn: () => {}, OneToMany: () => {}, ManyToOne: () => {}, } }); jest.mock("discord.js"); jest.mock("dotenv"); jest.mock("../../src/client/events"); jest.mock("../../src/client/util"); jest.mock("../../src/constants/DefaultValues"); import { CoreClient } from "../../src/client/client"; import { Client } from "discord.js"; import * as dotenv from "dotenv"; import { Events } from "../../src/client/events"; import { Util } from "../../src/client/util"; import { Command } from "../../src/type/command"; import { Event } from "../../src/type/event"; import DefaultValues from "../../src/constants/DefaultValues"; import { Connection, Repository, SelectQueryBuilder } from "typeorm"; import Setting from "../../src/entity/Setting"; beforeEach(() => { jest.resetAllMocks(); jest.resetModules(); }) describe('Constructor', () => { test('Expect Successful Initialisation', () => { const coreClient = new CoreClient(); expect(coreClient).toBeInstanceOf(Client); expect(dotenv.config).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(Events).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(Util).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(DefaultValues.useDevPrefix).toBe(false); }); test('Given devmode parameter is true, Expect devmode prefix to be true', () => { const coreClient = new CoreClient(true); expect(coreClient).toBeInstanceOf(Client); expect(dotenv.config).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(Events).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(Util).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect(DefaultValues.useDevPrefix).toBe(true); }); }); describe('Start', () => { test('Given Env Is Valid, Expect Successful Start', async () => { process.env = { BOT_TOKEN: "TOKEN", }; const coreClient = new CoreClient(); await coreClient.start(); expect(coreClient.on).toBeCalledWith("message", expect.any(Function)); expect(coreClient.on).toBeCalledWith("ready", expect.any(Function)); }); test('Given BOT_TOKEN Is Null, Expect Failure', async () => { process.env = {}; const consoleError = jest.fn(); console.error = consoleError; const coreClient = new CoreClient(); await coreClient.start(); expect(consoleError).toBeCalledWith("BOT_TOKEN is not defined in .env"); expect(coreClient.on).not.toBeCalled(); expect(coreClient.login).not.toBeCalled(); }); test('Given BOT_TOKEN Is Empty, Expect Failure', async () => { process.env = { BOT_TOKEN: '', } const consoleError = jest.fn(); console.error = consoleError; const coreClient = new CoreClient(); await coreClient.start(); expect(consoleError).toBeCalledWith("BOT_TOKEN is not defined in .env"); expect(coreClient.on).not.toBeCalled(); expect(coreClient.login).not.toBeCalled(); }); }); describe('RegisterCommand', () => { test('Expect command added to register', () => { const cmd = mock(); const client = new CoreClient(); client.RegisterCommand("test", cmd); expect(client.commandItems.length).toBe(1); expect(client.commandItems[0].Name).toBe("test"); expect(client.commandItems[0].Command).toBe(cmd); }); }); describe('RegisterEvent', () => { test('Expect event added to register', () => { const evt = mock(); const client = new CoreClient(); client.RegisterEvent(evt); expect(client.eventItems.length).toBe(1); expect(client.eventItems[0].Event).toBe(evt); }); });