import { ICommandContext } from "../../contracts/ICommandContext"; import PublicEmbed from "../../helpers/embeds/PublicEmbed"; import SettingsHelper from "../../helpers/SettingsHelper"; import { Command } from "../../type/command"; export default class Entry extends Command { constructor() { super(); super.Category = "Moderation"; super.Roles = [ "moderator" ]; } public override async execute(context: ICommandContext) { if (!context.message.guild) return; const rulesChannelId = await SettingsHelper.GetSetting("channels.rules", || "rules"; const embedInfo = new PublicEmbed(context, "", `Welcome to the server! Please make sure to read the rules in the <#${rulesChannelId}> channel and type the code found there in here to proceed to the main part of the server.`); await embedInfo.SendToCurrentChannel(); } }