describe("GIVEN interation.guild is null", () => { test.todo("EXPECT nothing to happen"); }); describe("GIVEN userId is not supplied", () => { test.todo("EXPECT nothing to happen"); }); describe("GIVEN page is not supplied", () => { test.todo("EXPECT nothing to happen"); }); describe("GIVEN moons entity is undefined", () => { test.todo("EXPECT interaction replied"); }); describe("GIVEN moons array is empty", () => { test.todo("EXPECT embed description to say none"); }); describe("GIVEN moons array is not empty", () => { test.todo("EXPECT embed description to specify moon details"); }); describe("GIVEN moon difference is greater than 0", () => { describe("GIVEN it is not the last page", () => { test.todo("EXPECT untracked moons message to not be displayed"); }); describe("GIVEN it is the last page", () => { test.todo("EXPECT untracked moons to be displayed"); }); describe("GIVEN moons array is empty", () => { test.todo("EXPECT untracked moons to be displayed"); }); }); describe("GIVEN it is the first page", () => { test.todo("EXPECT previous button to be disabled"); }); describe("GIVEN it is the last page", () => { test.todo("EXPECT next button to be disabled"); }); describe("GIVEN happy flow", () => { test.todo("EXPECT interaction to be updated"); });