// Required Components const { command } = require('vylbot-core'); const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js'); const embedColor = "0x3050ba"; // Command Class class mute extends command { constructor() { // Set the command's run method, description, category, and usage super("mute"); super.description = "Mutes the mentioned user with an optional reason"; super.category = "Moderation"; super.usage = "<@user> [reason]"; // Set the required configs for the command super.requiredConfigs = "modrole"; super.requiredConfigs = "logchannel"; super.requiredConfigs = "muterole"; } // The command's run method mute(context) { // Check if the user has the mod role if (context.message.member.roles.cache.find(role => role.name == context.client.config.mute.modrole)) { // Get the user first pinged in the message let user = context.message.mentions.users.first(); // If the user object exists if (user) { // Get the guild member object of the mentioned user let member = context.message.guild.member(user); // If the member object exists, i.e. if the user is in the server if (member) { // Get the part of the arguments array which contains the reason let reasonArgs = context.arguments; reasonArgs.splice(0, 1); // Join the reason into a string let reason = reasonArgs.join(" "); // If the server is available if (context.message.guild.available) { // If the bot client can manage the user's roles if (member.manageable) { // The embed to go into the bot log let embedLog = new MessageEmbed() .setTitle("Member Muted") .setColor(embedColor) .addField("User", `${user} \`${user.tag}\``, true) .addField("Moderator", `${context.message.author} \`${context.message.author.tag}\``, true) .addField("Reason", reason || "*none*") .setThumbnail(user.displayAvatarURL); // The embed to go into the channel the command was sent in let embedPublic = new MessageEmbed() .setColor(embedColor) .setDescription(`${user} has been muted`) .addField("Reason", reason || "*none*"); // Get the 'Muted' role let mutedRole = context.message.guild.roles.cache.find(role => role.name == context.client.config.mute.muterole); // Attempt to mute the user, if successful send the embeds, if not log the error member.roles.add(mutedRole, reason).then(() => { context.message.guild.channels.cache.find(channel => channel.name == context.client.config.mute.logchannel).send(embedLog); context.message.channel.send(embedPublic); context.message.delete(); }).catch(err => { errorEmbed(context, "An error occurred"); console.log(err); }); } else { // If the bot can't manage the user errorEmbed(context, "I am unable to mute this user"); } } } else { // If the member object doesn't exist errorEmbed(context, "Please specify a valid user"); } } else { // If the user object doesn't exist errorEmbed(context, "Please specify a valid user"); } } } } // Send an embed when an error occurs function errorEmbed(context, message) { let embed = new MessageEmbed() .setColor(embedColor) .setDescription(message); context.message.channel.send(embed); } module.exports = mute;