describe("loadSlashCommands", () => { test.todo("EXPECT slash commands to be loaded to the discord API"); test.todo("GIVEN bot is not in a guild for a server command, EXPECT this to be ignored"); }); describe("loadEvents", () => { test.todo("GIVEN event type is channelCreate, EXPECT event function to be executed"); test.todo("GIVEN event type is channelDelete, EXPECT event function to be executed"); test.todo("GIVEN event type is channelUpdate, EXPECT event function to be executed"); test.todo("GIVEN event type is guildBanAdd, EXPECT event function to be executed"); test.todo("GIVEN event type is guildBanRemove, EXPECT event function to be executed"); test.todo("GIVEN event type is guildCreate, EXPECT event function to be executed"); test.todo("GIVEN event type is guildMemberAdd, EXPECT event function to be executed"); test.todo("GIVEN event type is guildMemberRemove, EXPECT event function to be executed"); test.todo("GIVEN event type is messageCreate, EXPECT event function to be executed"); test.todo("GIVEN event type is messageDelete, EXPECT event function to be executed"); test.todo("GIVEN event type is messageUpdate, EXPECT event function to be executed"); test.todo("GIVEN event type is not implemented, EXPECT error"); });