describe('constructor', () => { test.todo('EXPECT properties to be set'); }); describe('execute', () => { test.todo("GIVEN interaction is not a chat input command, EXPECT nothing to happen"); test.todo("GIVEN subcommand is invalid, EXPECT error"); }); describe('add', () => { test.todo("EXPECT command to be added to disabled list"); test.todo("GIVEN interaction.guildId is null, EXPECT nothing to happen"); test.todo("GIVEN commandName is null, EXPECT error"); test.todo("GIVEN commandName.value is undefined, EXEPCT error"); test.todo("GIVEN disabledCommandsString is empty, EXPECT empty disabledCommands array to be used"); }); describe("remove", () => { test.todo("EXPECT command to be removed from disabled list"); test.todo("GIVEN interaction.guildId is null, EXPECT nothing to happen"); test.todo("GIVEN commandName is null, EXPECT error"); test.todo("GIVEN commandName.value is undefined, EXPECT error"); test.todo("GIVEN disabledCommandsString is empty, EXPECT empty disabledCommands array to be used"); test.todo("GIVEN instance of commandName is not found in disabledCommands array, EXPECT it not to try to remove it"); });