import { Message } from "discord.js"; import { mock } from "jest-mock-extended"; import About from "../../src/commands/about"; import { ICommandContext } from "../../src/contracts/ICommandContext"; import PublicEmbed from "../../src/helpers/embeds/PublicEmbed"; describe('Constructor', () => { test('Expect values set', () => { const about = new About(); expect(about._category).toBe("General"); }); }); describe('Execute', () => { test('Expect embed to be made and sent to the current channel', (done) => { const message = mock(); = jest.fn().mockImplementation((embed: PublicEmbed) => { expect(embed.title).toBe('About'); expect(embed.description).toBe(''); done(); }); const context: ICommandContext = { name: "about", args: [], message: message }; const about = new About(); about.execute(context); }); });