import { PermissionsBitField, SlashCommandBuilder } from "discord.js"; import Timeout from "../../src/commands/timeout"; describe('Constructor', () => { test('Expect CommandBuilder to be configured', () => { const command = new Timeout(); expect(command.CommandBuilder).toBeDefined(); const commandBuilder = command.CommandBuilder as SlashCommandBuilder; expect("timeout"); expect(commandBuilder.description).toBe("Timeouts a user out, sending them a DM with the reason if possible"); expect(commandBuilder.options.length).toBe(3); }); }); describe('execute', () => { test.todo('Given targetUser is null, Expect validation error'); test.todo('Given targetUser.user is null, Expect validation error'); test.todo('Given targetUser.member is null, Expect validation error'); describe('Null checks', () => { describe('GIVEN interaction.guild IS NULL', () => { test.todo('EXPECT nothing to happen'); }); describe('GIVEN interaction.guildId IS NULL', () => { test.todo('EXPECT nothing to happen'); }); }); describe('Validation checks', () => { describe('targetUser', () => { describe('GIVEN targetUser IS NULL', () => { test.todo('EXPECT validation error'); }); describe('GIVEN targetUser.user IS NULL', () => { test.todo('EXPECT validation error'); }); describe('GIVEN targetUser.member IS NULL', () => { test.todo('EXPECT validation error'); }); }); describe('lengthInput', () => { describe('GIVEN lengthInput IS NULL', () => { test.todo('EXPECT validation error'); }); describe('GIVEN lengthInput.value IS NULL', () => { test.todo('EXPECT validation error'); }); }); }); describe('GIVEN targetMember IS NOT manageable by the bot', () => { test.todo('EXPECT insufficient permissions error'); }); describe('targetMember.timeout', () => { test.todo('EXPECT to be ran with time length'); describe('GIVEN reason IS NOT NULL', () => { test.todo('EXPECT to be ran with reason set'); }); describe('GIVEN reason IS NULL', () => { test.todo('EXPECT to be ran with empty string'); }); }); describe('Log Embed', () => { test.todo('EXPECT moderator to be current user'); test.todo('EXPECT length to be length'); test.todo('EXPECT until to be until date'); describe('GIVEN reason IS NULL', () => { test.todo('EXPECT reason to be "*none*"'); }); describe('GIVEN reason IS NOT NULL', () => { test.todo('EXPECT reason to be set to reason'); }); describe('GIVEN channelName IS NULL', () => { test.todo('EXPECT execution to return'); }); describe('GIVEN channel IS NULL', () => { test.todo('EXPECT embed to not be sent'); }); describe('GIVEN channel IS NOT NULL', () => { test.todo('EXPECT logEmbed to be sent to channel'); }); }); describe('Audit', () => { test.todo('EXPECT audit to be saved'); describe('GIVEN reason IS NULL', () => { test.todo('EXPECT audit entity to set reason to "*none*"'); }); describe('GIVEN reason IS NOT NULL', () => { test.todo('EXPECT audit entity to set reason to reason'); }); }); describe('DM User', () => { describe('GIVEN user can be messaged', () => { test.todo('EXPECT embed to be sent'); test.todo('EXPECT length to be in fields'); test.todo('EXPECT until to be in fields'); test.todo('EXPECT resultEmbed to contain "DM Sent = true"'); describe('GIVEN reason IS NULL', () => { test.todo('EXPECT reason to be "*none*"'); }); describe('GIVEN reason IS NOT NULL', () => { test.todo('EXPECT reason to be set to reason'); }); }); describe('GIVEN user can NOT be messaged', () => { test.todo('EXPECT resultEmbed to contain "DM Sent = false"'); }); }); describe('Result Embed', () => { test.todo('EXPECT resultEmbed to be sent to current channel'); test.todo('EXPECT embed description to be set to "You have been timed out in (GUILD NAME)'); }); });