describe("GIVEN valid input", () => { test.todo("EXPECT interaction.update to be called"); test.todo("EXPECT embed to contain correct information"); test.todo("EXPECT component row to contain correct information"); describe("GIVEN is first page", () => { test.todo("EXPECT Previous button to be disabled"); }); describe("GIVEN is last page", () => { test.todo("EXPECT Next button to be disabled"); }); }); describe("GIVEN interaction.guild is undefined", () => { test.todo("EXPECT nothing to happen"); }); describe("GIVEN userId is not supplied", () => { test.todo("EXPECT nothing to happen"); }); describe("GIVEN page is not supplied", () => { test.todo("EXPECT nothing to happen"); }); describe("GIVEN moon object is undefined", () => { test.todo("EXPECT error replied"); }); describe("GIVEN the user has 0 moons", () => { test.todo("EXPECT error replied"); });