import { CommandResponse } from "./CommandResponse"; export default class ErrorMessages { public static readonly InsufficientBotPermissions = "Unable to do this action, am I missing permissions?"; public static readonly ChannelNotFound = "Unable to find channel"; public static readonly RoleNotFound = "Unable to find role"; public static readonly UserUnauthorised = "You are not authorised to use this command"; public static readonly ServerNotSetup = "This server hasn't been setup yet, please run the setup command"; public static readonly NotInServer = "This command requires to be ran inside of a server"; public static readonly FeatureDisabled = "This feature is currently disabled by a server moderator"; public static GetErrorMessage(response: CommandResponse): string { switch (response) { case CommandResponse.Unauthorised: return this.UserUnauthorised; case CommandResponse.ServerNotSetup: return this.ServerNotSetup; case CommandResponse.NotInServer: return this.NotInServer; case CommandResponse.FeatureDisabled: return this.FeatureDisabled; default: return ""; } } }