# Registry The registry file is what is used to register the bot's commands and events. This is a script which is ran at startup and adds all the commands and events to the bot. Although you can register these outside of the registry file, this script makes it a centralised place for it to be done at. ## Adding Commands Commands are added in the `RegisterCommands` function. The basic syntax is as follows: ```ts client.RegisterCommand("Name", new Command(), "ServerId"); ``` - `"Name"`: The name of the command, will be used by the user to call the command - `new Command()`: The command class to be executed, must inherit the Command class - `"ServerId"` (Optional): If given, will only be usable in that specific server ## Adding Events Events are added in the `RegisterEvents` function. The basic syntax is as follows: ```ts client.RegisterEvent(new Events()); ``` - `new Events()`: The event class to be executed