import { exec } from "child_process"; import path from "path"; describe('default', () => { test('GIVEN no options are supplied, EXPECT standard output', async () => { const result = await cli([], '.'); const keys = result.stdout.split('\n') .flatMap(x => x.split(' = ')[0]) .filter(x => x && x.length > 0); const values = result.stdout.split('\n') .flatMap(x => x.split(' = ')[1]) .filter(x => x && x.length > 0); expect(result.code).toBe(0); expect(keys).toStrictEqual(['Archived', 'Downvotes', 'Hidden', 'Permalink', 'Subreddit', 'Subreddit Subscribers', 'Title', 'Upvotes', 'Url']); expect(values.length).toBe(9); }, 5000); test('GIVEN an error occurs, EXPECT error output', async () => { const result = await cli(['-s', 'textonly'], '.'); expect(result.code).toBe(1); expect(result.stderr).toBeDefined(); }, 5000); }); describe('version', () => { test('GIVEN -V flag is supplied, EXPECT version returned', async () => { const result = await cli(['-V'], '.'); expect(result.code).toBe(0); expect(result.stdout).toBe('2.2\n'); }); test('GIVEN --version is supplied, EXPECT version returned', async () => { const result = await cli(['--version'], '.'); expect(result.code).toBe(0); expect(result.stdout).toBe('2.2\n'); }); }); describe('help', () => { test('GIVEN -h is supplied, EXPECT help returned', async () => { const result = await cli(['-h'], '.'); expect(result.code).toBe(0); expect(result.stdout.split('\n')[0]).toBe('Usage: random-bunny [options]'); }); test('GIVEN --help is supplied, EXPECT help returned', async () => { const result = await cli(['--help'], '.'); expect(result.code).toBe(0); expect(result.stdout.split('\n')[0]).toBe('Usage: random-bunny [options]'); }); }); describe('subreddit', () => { test('GIVEN -s is not supplied, EXPECT subreddit to be defaulted', async () => { const result = await cli([], '.'); const subreddit = result.stdout.split('\n') .find(x => x && x.length > 0 && x.split(' = ')[0] == 'Subreddit')! .split(' = ')[1]; expect(subreddit).toBe('Rabbits'); }, 5000); test('GIVEN -s is supplied, EXPECT subreddit to be changed', async () => { const result = await cli(['-s', 'pics'], '.'); const subreddit = result.stdout.split('\n') .find(x => x && x.length > 0 && x.split(' = ')[0] == 'Subreddit')! .split(' = ')[1]; expect(subreddit).toBe('pics'); }, 5000); test('GIVEN --subreddit is supplied, EXPECT subreddit to be changed', async () => { const result = await cli(['--subreddit', 'pics'], '.'); const subreddit = result.stdout.split('\n') .find(x => x && x.length > 0 && x.split(' = ')[0] == 'Subreddit')! .split(' = ')[1]; expect(subreddit).toBe('pics'); }, 5000); }); describe('json', () => { test('GIVEN -j is supplied, EXPECT output to be valid JSON', async () => { const result = await cli(['-j'], '.'); const json = JSON.parse(result.stdout); expect(json).toBeDefined(); }, 5000); test('GIVEN --json is supplied, EXPECT output to be valid JSON', async () => { const result = await cli(['--json'], '.'); const json = JSON.parse(result.stdout); expect(json).toBeDefined(); }); }); describe('sort', () => { test('GIVEN --sort is not supplied, EXPECT sort to be defaulted', async () => { const result = await cli(['-q'], '.'); const sortBy = result.stdout.split('\n') .find(x => x && x.length > 0 && x.split(' = ')[0] == 'Query.Sort By')! .split(' = ')[1]; expect(sortBy).toBe('hot'); }, 5000); test('GIVEN --sort is supplied WITH a valid input, EXPECT sort to be used', async () => { const result = await cli(['-q', '--sort', 'new'], '.'); const sortBy = result.stdout.split('\n') .find(x => x && x.length > 0 && x.split(' = ')[0] == 'Query.Sort By')! .split(' = ')[1]; expect(sortBy).toBe('new'); }, 5000); test('GIVEN --sort is supplied WITH an invalid input, EXPECT error', async () => { const result = await cli(['-q', '--sort', 'invalid'], '.'); expect(result.code).toBe(1); expect(result.stderr).toBe("error: option '--sort ' argument 'invalid' is invalid. Allowed choices are hot, new, top.\n"); }); }); describe('query-metadata', () => { test('GIVEN --query-metadata is not supplied, EXPECT no query metadata returned', async () => { const result = await cli([], '.'); const query = result.stdout.split('\n') .find(x => x && x.length > 0 && x.split(' = ')[0].startsWith('Query')); expect(query).toBeUndefined(); }, 5000); test('GIVEN --query-metadata is not supplied, EXPECT no query metadata returned', async () => { const result = await cli(['--query-metadata'], '.'); const query = result.stdout.split('\n') .find(x => x && x.length > 0 && x.split(' = ')[0].startsWith('Query')); expect(query).toBeDefined(); }, 5000); test('GIVEN -q is not supplied, EXPECT no query metadata returned', async () => { const result = await cli(['-q'], '.'); const query = result.stdout.split('\n') .find(x => x && x.length > 0 && x.split(' = ')[0].startsWith('Query')); expect(query).toBeDefined(); }, 5000); }); function cli(args: string[], cwd: string): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { exec(`node ${path.resolve('./dist/cli.js')} ${args.join(' ')}`, { cwd }, (error, stdout, stderr) => { resolve({ code: error && error.code ? error.code : 0, error, stdout, stderr }); }); }); } interface cliResult { code: number, error: any, stdout: string, stderr: string, }