# random-bunny > Get a random image url from a subreddit of your choosing. ## Install ``` $ npm install --save random-bunny ``` ## Usage ```js const { randomBunny } = require('random-bunny'); randomBunny('rabbits', 'new', res => { console.log(res.title + ": " + res.url); }); ``` ```js const { promise } = require('random-bunny'); promise('rabbits', 'new').then((res) => { console.log(res.title); }); ``` ## API ### `randomBunny()` Returns a `json string` for a random post to the `callback`. Accepts 3 arguments: `subreddit`, `sortby` ('new', 'hot', 'top'), `callback(res)` The json string which gets returned consists of: - archived - downs - hidden - permalink - subreddit - subredditSubscribers - title - ups - url ### `promise()` Returns a `json string` for a random post in a `promise`. Accepts 2 arguments: `subreddit`, `sortby` ('new', 'hot', 'top'). The json string returned in the promise consists of the same above. ## Notes * Node 4 or newer. * based upon [Random Puppy](https://github.com/dylang/random-puppy) ## Links * Discord: [Server Link](https://discord.gg/UyAhAVp) ## License MIT © [Vylpes](https://gitlab.vylpes.com/Vylpes)