// Required Modules const fetch = require('node-fetch'); // Valid sortBy names const sortable = [ 'new', 'hot', 'top' ] // Main function function randomBunny(subreddit, sortBy, cb) { // If the sortable list doesn't include sortBy, default to 'hot' if (!sortable.includes(sortBy)) sortBy = 'hot'; // Fetch the json from reddit // For example, if you're getting a random image from r/rabbits, sorted by new: // https://www.reddit.com/r/rabbits/new.json fetch(`https://www.reddit.com/r/${subreddit}/${sortBy}.json`).then(res => { res.json().then(res => { // Get the part of the json string which the data comes from const data = res.data.children; const size = data.length; // Found is used for the while loop in order to break out of the loop. // We need to loop as the json string will contain invalid data for what we need // Specifically videos. let found = false; // Loop until a valid image post is found while (!found) { // Generate random number const random = getRandom(0, size - 1); // Get variables from json to pass back const randomSelect = data[random].data; // The json string to send back const json = { archived: randomSelect['archived'], downs: randomSelect['downs'], hidden: randomSelect['hidden'], permalink: randomSelect['permalink'], subreddit: randomSelect['subreddit'], subredditSubscribers: randomSelect['subreddit_subscribers'], title: randomSelect['title'], ups: randomSelect['ups'], url: randomSelect['url'] }; // If the post is a .jpg, send back the data and stop looping if (json.url.includes('.jpg')) { found = true; cb(json); } } }); }); } function promise(subreddit, sortBy) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // If the sortable list doesn't include sortBy, default to 'hot' if (!sortable.includes(sortBy)) sortBy = 'hot'; // Fetch the json from reddit // For example, if you're getting a random image from r/rabbits, sorted by new: // https://www.reddit.com/r/rabbits/new.json fetch(`https://www.reddit.com/r/${subreddit}/${sortBy}.json`).then(res => { res.json().then(res => { // Get the part of the json string which the data comes from const data = res.data.children; const size = data.length; // Found is used for the while loop in order to break out of the loop. // We need to loop as the json string will contain invalid data for what we need // Specifically videos. let found = false; // Loop until a valid image post is found while (!found) { // Generate random number const random = getRandom(0, size - 1); // Get variables from json to pass back const randomSelect = data[random].data; // The json string to send back const json = { archived: randomSelect['archived'], downs: randomSelect['downs'], hidden: randomSelect['hidden'], permalink: randomSelect['permalink'], subreddit: randomSelect['subreddit'], subredditSubscribers: randomSelect['subreddit_subscribers'], title: randomSelect['title'], ups: randomSelect['ups'], url: randomSelect['url'] }; // If the post is a .jpg, send back the data and stop looping if (json.url.includes('.jpg')) { found = true; resolve(json); } } }); }); }) } // Generate a random number function getRandom(min, max) { return Math.floor((Math.random() * max) + min); } // Export Functions module.exports = { randomBunny, promise, }