import { ButtonInteraction } from "discord.js"; import { ButtonEvent } from "../type/buttonEvent"; import Inventory from "../database/entities/app/Inventory"; import { CoreClient } from "../client/client"; import { default as eClaim } from "../database/entities/app/Claim"; export default class Claim extends ButtonEvent { public override async execute(interaction: ButtonInteraction) { if (!interaction.guild || !interaction.guildId) return; const cardNumber = interaction.customId.split(' ')[1]; const claimId = interaction.customId.split(' ')[2]; const droppedBy = interaction.customId.split(' ')[3]; const userId =; const claimed = await eClaim.FetchOneByClaimId(claimId); if (claimed) { await interaction.reply('This card has already been claimed'); return; } if (claimId == CoreClient.ClaimId && userId != droppedBy) { await interaction.reply('The latest dropped card can only be claimed by the user who dropped it'); return; } let inventory = await Inventory.FetchOneByCardNumberAndUserId(userId, cardNumber); if (!inventory) { inventory = new Inventory(userId, cardNumber, 1); } else { inventory.SetQuantity(inventory.Quantity + 1); } await inventory.Save(Inventory, inventory); const claim = new eClaim(claimId); claim.SetInventory(inventory); await claim.Save(eClaim, claim); await interaction.reply(`Card claimed by ${interaction.user}`); } }