import { AttachmentBuilder, CommandInteraction, DiscordAPIError, SlashCommandBuilder } from "discord.js"; import { Command } from "../type/command"; import { readFileSync } from "fs"; import { CoreClient } from "../client/client"; import { v4 } from "uuid"; import Inventory from "../database/entities/app/Inventory"; import Config from "../database/entities/app/Config"; import CardDropHelperMetadata from "../helpers/CardDropHelperMetadata"; import path from "path"; export default class Drop extends Command { constructor() { super(); super.CommandBuilder = new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName('drop') .setDescription('Summon a new card drop'); } public override async execute(interaction: CommandInteraction) { if (!CoreClient.AllowDrops) { await interaction.reply('Bot is currently syncing, please wait until its done.'); return; } if (await Config.GetValue('safemode') == "true") { await interaction.reply('Safe Mode has been activated, please resync to continue.'); return; } const randomCard = CardDropHelperMetadata.GetRandomCard(); if (!randomCard) { await interaction.reply('Unable to fetch card, please try again.'); return; } let image: Buffer; const imageFileName = randomCard.card.path.split("/").pop()!; try { image = readFileSync(path.join(process.cwd(), 'cards', randomCard.card.path)); } catch { await interaction.reply(`Unable to fetch image for card ${}`); return; } await interaction.deferReply(); const attachment = new AttachmentBuilder(image, { name: imageFileName }); const inventory = await Inventory.FetchOneByCardNumberAndUserId(,; const quantityClaimed = inventory ? inventory.Quantity : 0; const embed = CardDropHelperMetadata.GenerateDropEmbed(randomCard, quantityClaimed, imageFileName); const claimId = v4(); const row = CardDropHelperMetadata.GenerateDropButtons(randomCard, claimId,; try { await interaction.editReply({ embeds: [ embed ], files: [ attachment ], components: [ row ], }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); if (e instanceof DiscordAPIError) { await interaction.editReply(`Unable to send next drop. Please try again, and report this if it keeps happening. Code: ${e.code}`); } else { await interaction.editReply(`Unable to send next drop. Please try again, and report this if it keeps happening. Code: UNKNOWN`); } } CoreClient.ClaimId = claimId; } }