// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`EXPECT CommandBuilder to be defined 1`] = ` { "contexts": undefined, "default_member_permissions": undefined, "default_permission": undefined, "description": "Effects", "description_localizations": undefined, "dm_permission": undefined, "integration_types": undefined, "name": "effects", "name_localizations": undefined, "nsfw": undefined, "options": [ { "description": "List all effects I have", "description_localizations": undefined, "name": "list", "name_localizations": undefined, "options": [ { "autocomplete": undefined, "choices": undefined, "description": "The page number", "description_localizations": undefined, "max_value": undefined, "min_value": 1, "name": "page", "name_localizations": undefined, "required": false, "type": 10, }, ], "type": 1, }, { "description": "Use an effect in your inventory", "description_localizations": undefined, "name": "use", "name_localizations": undefined, "options": [ { "autocomplete": undefined, "choices": [ { "name": "Unclaimed Chance Up", "name_localizations": undefined, "value": "unclaimed", }, ], "description": "The effect id to use", "description_localizations": undefined, "max_length": undefined, "min_length": undefined, "name": "id", "name_localizations": undefined, "required": true, "type": 3, }, ], "type": 1, }, { "description": "Buy more effects", "description_localizations": undefined, "name": "buy", "name_localizations": undefined, "options": [ { "autocomplete": undefined, "choices": [ { "name": "Unclaimed Chance Up", "name_localizations": undefined, "value": "unclaimed", }, ], "description": "The effect id to buy", "description_localizations": undefined, "max_length": undefined, "min_length": undefined, "name": "id", "name_localizations": undefined, "required": true, "type": 3, }, { "autocomplete": undefined, "choices": undefined, "description": "The amount to buy", "description_localizations": undefined, "max_value": undefined, "min_value": 1, "name": "quantity", "name_localizations": undefined, "required": false, "type": 10, }, ], "type": 1, }, ], "type": 1, } `;